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Josh Kruse edited this page May 7, 2020 · 1 revision

With a terminal open, navigate to the file directory of your Python virtual environment.

Note: If you have not installed a Python virtual environment and the needed Python packages, the section above titled “Setting Up a Python Virtual Environment with all Needed Python Packages” will explain how.

Activate the virtual environment by running .\Scripts\activate.

Navigate to the file directory /Soundscape-Neural-Network.

Type the command jupyter notebook.

You will see three files directories for each CNN (Anthrophony, Biophony, Geophony.)

Create a file directory called /data/. Place all training files into this folder separated by label. (Each different class needs to be in a seperate folder with the folder name matching the class name)

Open the .ipynb files using the jupyter notebook instance.

In the second cell of each notebook you will find a variable called labels. Update these labels with what is featured in your /data/ file directory.

After adding all the training data run all cells in the notebook.

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