The table component based on vue3.0 and element-plus package includes conditional query function, table function and paging function. The code transparently transmits all attributes to the native el-table, so it is compatible with the el-table API. Use configurable mode to quickly complete data requests, conditional queries, paging queries and other functions.
npm install vue3-el-table-plus
// main.js
import TablePlus from 'vue3-el-table-plus'
<!-- .vue -->
<TablePlus :columns="columns" :condition="condition" :queryFunction="queryFunction"> </TablePlus>
属性名 | 描述说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
columns | 参考QuickStart的table.config.js | Array | [] |
condition | 参考QuickStart的table.config.js | Array | [] |
queryFunction | 查询方法 | Function | - |
data | 仅静态数据展示时使用,条件查询和分页将不可用 | Array | null |
span | 控制条件查询区各表单项的宽度占比,参考el-row | Number | 8 |
layout | 控制表单标签位置 | 'inside'|'outside' | 'outside' |
paginationSize | 设置分页组件为基本型或完整型 | 'mini'|'integrated' | 'mini' |
<!-- .vue -->
<TablePlus :columns="columns" :condition="condition" :queryFunction="queryFunction"> </TablePlus>
<script setup>
import { requestMock } from './api'
import { user } from './table.config.js'
const { columns, condition } = user
const queryFunction = async (params) => {
// 此处可拦截请求参数,并对参数进行处理,默认抛出的参数结构如下
params: {
pagination: {
currentPage: 1,
pageSize: 10
query: {
name: 'Jay'
const body = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(params))
const data = await requestMock({ ...body.pagination, ...body.query })
return data
// table.config.js
// 建议将配置项单独用一个文件维护,可以大大减少vue文件的长度
export const user = {
columns: [
* @desc columns基本配置项
* @param {String} title 必填项 标签值
* @param {String} dataIndex 必填项 索引值
* @param {String} renderType 选填项 ( '' | 'selection' | 'slot' ) => ( 默认 | 选择器列 | 自定义列 )
* @param {Function} formatter 选填项 格式化函数
* 其余所有字段、方法都将透传至原生el-table
title: '选择',
dataIndex: 'selection',
renderType: 'selection'
title: '序号',
dataIndex: 'index',
renderType: 'slot'
title: '姓名',
dataIndex: 'name',
renderType: 'slot',
width: 200
title: '性别',
dataIndex: 'gender',
formatter(row, column, dataIndex) {
return ['男', '女'][row[dataIndex]]
title: '地址',
dataIndex: 'address'
title: '邮编',
dataIndex: 'zip',
formatter(row, column, dataIndex) {
return 'CA: ' + row[dataIndex]
title: '操作',
dataIndex: 'action',
renderType: 'slot'
condition: [
* 条件查询区域配置项
* @param {String} title 标签值
* @param {String} dataIndex 索引值
* @param {String} type ( 'input' | 'select' | 'daterange' )
* @param {String} defaultValue 默认值
* @param {Array} options 选择器类型的下拉数据,键值字段规定为value、label
title: '姓名',
dataIndex: 'name',
type: 'input',
defaultValue: null
title: '性别',
dataIndex: 'gender',
type: 'select',
defaultValue: null,
options: [
value: 0,
label: '男'
value: 1,
label: '女'
title: '日期',
dataIndex: 'date',
type: 'daterange'
title: '地址',
dataIndex: 'address',
defaultValue: null,
type: 'select',
options: []
<!-- .vue -->
<TablePlus :columns="columns" :condition="condition" :queryFunction="queryFunction" @selection-change="handle" ref="table">
<!-- #action与columns.dataIndex值保持一致,且renderType设置为slot -->
<template #action="scope">
<el-button size="small" @click="handle(scope)"> Edit </el-button>
<el-button size="small" type="danger" @click="handle(scope)"> Delete </el-button>
<template #index="scope"> NO.{{ scope.$index + 1 }} </template>
<template #name="scope">
<el-tag>{{ }}</el-tag>
<!-- 预留的按钮#append-btn与位置#gap-space,无需在配置项添加 -->
<template #append-btn><el-button type="primary"> 其他按钮 </el-button></template>
<template #gap-space>
<div class="gap-space">
<el-button type="success"> 新增 </el-button><el-button type="danger"> 导出 </el-button>