In general, I try to unify the look (Solarized color theme, Inconsolata font) and feel (Vim key bindings) of my applications.
Neovim, text editor
- vim-plug, plugin manager
- sensible.vim, sensible defaults
- altercation/vim-colors-solarized, solarized color scheme
- vim-airline, status bar
- vim-airline-themes, status bar
- VimDevIcons, file type glyphs / icons
- fugitive.vim, git wrapper
- vim-gitgutter, git diff in sign column
- ranger.vim, browse files with ranger
- grepper, asynchronous search (using ripgrep)
- supertab, tab for completion
- YouCompleteMe, code completion
- Asynchronous Lint Engine, linting (checking syntax and semantics)
- vim-autoformat, code formating
- vim-isort, sort python imports using isort
- vim-pandoc, integration with pandoc document converter
- vim-pandoc-syntax, syntax highlighting for vim-pandoc
- vimtex, support for writing LaTeX documents
- commentary.vim, comment and uncomment
- surround.vim, delete / change / add surroundings (parentheses, brackets, quotes, XML tag)
- sneak.vim, jump to any location specified by two characters
- unicode.vim, a Vim plugin for handling unicode and digraphs characters
- vim-ghost, edit text areas from Firefox
- startify, start screen
Ranger, console file manager
, general configuration.config/ranger/
, custom commands.config/ranger/rifle.conf
, file opener configuration
Fish, interactive shell
Replaced by Sway. Kept around because Sway cannot duplicate monitors yet.
Zathura, document viewer
Great to visualize the PDF while editing the LaTeX source with Neovim. Supports SyncTeX in both directions.
imv, image viewer
sxiv, image viewer
Git, distributed version control
Tmux, terminal multiplexer
Conda, package and environment manager
Jupyter, interactive computing
R, statistical computing
Syncthing, decentralized file synchronization
ssh, secure remote access
systemd, system and service manager
, picked up by urxvt and sxiv.profile
, environment variables.config/user-dirs.dirs
, XDG default directories.xkb/symbols/custom
, custom keyboard layout (copy left in/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/custom
for xorg).latexmkrc
Moving to Wayland:
git clone [email protected]:mdeff/dotfiles.git
git config --local include.path ../.gitconfig
Set mpd
password in mpd, ncmpcpp, sway, and i3.