Version 0.1.M1
This release 0.1.M1
is a result of the work in the milestone M1.
The online documentation for this release is published on
Closed issues:
- Self monitoring concept #13
- Logging strategy and configuration #12
- Setup project for the documentation #9
- Concept for the default tag context #8
- Collect basic JVM metrics (cpu, memory, threads, gc, etc) #7
- Setup continuous integration service #6
- Support for integration tests #5
- Add open-census and configure metric providers #4
- Initialize Spring context and properties #3
- Class loading strategy and bootstrap loader #2
- Minimal project setup #1
Merged pull requests:
- Closes #7: added documentation for all metrics recorders #39
- work on #7: Added recorders for gc, threads and memory #38
- prometheus exporter to bind to by default #35
- name the threads we create accordingly #34
- closes #13: self-monitoring concept #33
- work on #7: added processor metrics recorder #32
- Work on #7: added classloader recorder, extracted common superclasses #31
- Work on #7: Added simple disk usage metrics recorder. #30
- closes #8: support for common tags and tag providers #29
- closes #12: logback logging configuration support #28
- closes #9: added documentation project #27
- closes #6: added travis configuration #26
- fixed prometheus exporter int test to work on linux #25
- using inspectit class loader for thread context class loader when ini… #24
- closes #5: added system tests to agent project #23
- closes #4: Added Prometheus exporter and config validation #22
- work on #4: added config option for selecting the opencensus classloader #21
- closes #3: Added directory watcher, moved configuration management #20
- Spring #17
- closes #2: class loading strategy and bootstrap loader #15
- Minimal project setup #14