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Error handling for blacklisted node
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j-mueller committed Dec 30, 2024
1 parent 38f291f commit b2f53d7
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Showing 3 changed files with 81 additions and 36 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/Wst/AppError.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ module Wst.AppError(

import Blockfrost.Client.Core (BlockfrostError)
import Convex.CoinSelection qualified as CoinSelection
import PlutusLedgerApi.Data.V3 (Credential)

data AppError era =
OperatorNoUTxOs -- ^ The operator does not have any UTxOs
| GlobalParamsNodeNotFound -- ^ The node with the global parameters was not found
| BalancingError (CoinSelection.BalanceTxError era)
| BlockfrostErr BlockfrostError
| TransferBlacklistedCredential Credential -- ^ Attempting to transfer funds from a blacklisted address
deriving stock (Show)
95 changes: 64 additions & 31 deletions src/lib/Wst/Offchain/BuildTx/TransferLogic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,9 +15,10 @@ where
import Cardano.Api qualified as C
import Cardano.Api.Shelley qualified as C
import Control.Lens (over, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (throwError))
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, asks)
import Convex.BuildTx (MonadBuildTx (addTxBuilder), TxBuilder (TxBuilder),
addReference, addRequiredSignature, addScriptWithdrawal,
addRequiredSignature, addScriptWithdrawal,
addWithdrawalWithTxBody, buildScriptWitness,
findIndexReference, mintPlutus, payToAddress,
prependTxOut, spendPlutusInlineDatum)
Expand All @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ import SmartTokens.Contracts.ExampleTransferLogic (BlacklistProof (..))
import SmartTokens.Types.ProtocolParams
import SmartTokens.Types.PTokenDirectory (BlacklistNode (..),
DirectorySetNode (..))
import Wst.AppError (AppError (TransferBlacklistedCredential))
import Wst.Offchain.BuildTx.ProgrammableLogic (IssueNewTokenArgs (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,9 +139,6 @@ insertBlacklistNode cred blacklistNodes = Utils.inBabbage @era $ do
opPkh <- asks (fst . Env.bteOperator . Env.operatorEnv)
addRequiredSignature opPkh

_removeBlacklistNode = undefined

issueSmartTokens :: forall era env m. (MonadReader env m, Env.HasTransferLogicEnv env, Env.HasDirectoryEnv env, C.IsBabbageBasedEra era, MonadBlockchain era m, C.HasScriptLanguageInEra C.PlutusScriptV3 era, MonadBuildTx era m, Env.HasOperatorEnv era env) => UTxODat era ProgrammableLogicGlobalParams -> (C.AssetName, C.Quantity) -> [UTxODat era DirectorySetNode] -> C.PaymentCredential -> m C.AssetId
issueSmartTokens paramsTxOut (an, q) directoryList destinationCred = Utils.inBabbage @era $ do
nid <- queryNetworkId
Expand All @@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ issueSmartTokens paramsTxOut (an, q) directoryList destinationCred = Utils.inBab
payToAddress addr value
pure $ C.AssetId issuedPolicyId an

transferSmartTokens :: forall env era a m. (MonadReader env m, Env.HasTransferLogicEnv env, Env.HasDirectoryEnv env, C.IsBabbageBasedEra era, MonadBlockchain era m, C.HasScriptLanguageInEra C.PlutusScriptV3 era, MonadBuildTx era m, Env.HasOperatorEnv era env) => UTxODat era ProgrammableLogicGlobalParams -> C.PaymentCredential -> [UTxODat era BlacklistNode] -> [UTxODat era DirectorySetNode] -> [UTxODat era a] -> (C.AssetId, C.Quantity) -> C.PaymentCredential -> m ()
transferSmartTokens :: forall env era a m. (MonadReader env m, Env.HasTransferLogicEnv env, Env.HasDirectoryEnv env, C.IsBabbageBasedEra era, MonadBlockchain era m, C.HasScriptLanguageInEra C.PlutusScriptV3 era, MonadBuildTx era m, Env.HasOperatorEnv era env, MonadError (AppError era) m) => UTxODat era ProgrammableLogicGlobalParams -> C.PaymentCredential -> [UTxODat era BlacklistNode] -> [UTxODat era DirectorySetNode] -> [UTxODat era a] -> (C.AssetId, C.Quantity) -> C.PaymentCredential -> m ()
transferSmartTokens paramsTxIn userCred blacklistNodes directoryList spendingUserOutputs (assetId, q) destinationCred = Utils.inBabbage @era $ do
nid <- queryNetworkId
progLogicBaseCred <- asks (Env.programmableLogicBaseCredential . Env.directoryEnv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,7 +226,58 @@ addIssueWitness = Utils.inBabbage @era $ do
addRequiredSignature opPkh
addScriptWithdrawal sh 0 $ buildScriptWitness mintingScript C.NoScriptDatumForStake ()

addTransferWitness :: forall env era m. (MonadReader env m, Env.HasOperatorEnv era env, Env.HasTransferLogicEnv env, C.IsBabbageBasedEra era, MonadBlockchain era m, C.HasScriptLanguageInEra C.PlutusScriptV3 era, MonadBuildTx era m) => [UTxODat era BlacklistNode] -> C.PaymentCredential -> m ()
{-| Extracts the credentials that can be used for a transfer from the transaction body
transferWitnesses :: C.TxBodyContent v era -> [Credential]
transferWitnesses txBody =
let wdrls = case txBody ^. L.txWithdrawals of
-- Maybe `sort` here is redundant if txWithdrawals are already sorted
C.TxWithdrawals _ wdrls' -> sort $ map (\(stkAddr,_,_) -> transStakeCredential $ C.stakeAddressCredential stkAddr) wdrls'
_ -> []

signatories = case txBody ^. L.txExtraKeyWits of
C.TxExtraKeyWitnesses _ pkhs -> map (transCredential . C.PaymentCredentialByKey) pkhs
_ -> []

in wdrls <> signatories

data FindProofResult era =
NoBlacklistNodes -- TODO: Use NonEmpty list to avoid this
| CredentialBlacklisted (UTxODat era BlacklistNode) -- ^ A node containing exactly the credential was found. (Negative result, transfer not OK)
| CredentialNotBlacklisted (UTxODat era BlacklistNode) -- ^ A node was found that spans the credential but does not match it exactly. (Positive result, transfer OK)

{-| Find the blacklist node that covers the credential but does not match it exactly
tryFindProof :: [UTxODat era BlacklistNode] -> Credential -> UTxODat era BlacklistNode
tryFindProof blacklistNodes cred =
case findProof blacklistNodes cred of
CredentialNotBlacklisted r -> r
_ -> error $ "tryFindProof failed for " <> show cred

{-| Find the blacklist node that covers the credential.
findProof :: [UTxODat era BlacklistNode] -> Credential -> FindProofResult era
findProof [] _cred = NoBlacklistNodes
findProof blacklistNodes cred =
let node@UTxODat {uDatum = blnNodeDatum}
= maximumBy (compare `on` (blnKey . uDatum)) $
filter ((<= unwrapCredential cred) . blnKey . uDatum) blacklistNodes
in if blnKey blnNodeDatum == unwrapCredential cred
then CredentialBlacklisted node
else CredentialNotBlacklisted node

{-| Check that the credential is not blacklisted. Throw an error if the
credential is blacklisted.
checkNotBlacklisted :: forall era m. MonadError (AppError era) m => [UTxODat era BlacklistNode] -> Credential -> m ()
checkNotBlacklisted nodes cred = case findProof nodes cred of
CredentialNotBlacklisted{} -> pure ()
_ -> throwError (TransferBlacklistedCredential cred)

{-| Add a proof that the user is allowed to transfer programmable tokens.
Uses the user from 'HasOperatorEnv env'. Fails if the user is blacklisted.
addTransferWitness :: forall env era m. (MonadError (AppError era) m, MonadReader env m, Env.HasOperatorEnv era env, Env.HasTransferLogicEnv env, C.IsBabbageBasedEra era, MonadBlockchain era m, C.HasScriptLanguageInEra C.PlutusScriptV3 era, MonadBuildTx era m) => [UTxODat era BlacklistNode] -> C.PaymentCredential -> m ()
addTransferWitness blacklistNodes clientCred = Utils.inBabbage @era $ do
opPkh <- asks (fst . Env.bteOperator . Env.operatorEnv) -- In this case 'operator' is the user
nid <- queryNetworkId
Expand All @@ -236,44 +286,27 @@ addTransferWitness blacklistNodes clientCred = Utils.inBabbage @era $ do
transferStakeCred = C.StakeCredentialByScript $ C.hashScript $ C.PlutusScript C.PlutusScriptV3 transferScript

-- TODO: This can be moved out as a helper function
findProof cred =
maximumBy (compare `on` (blnKey . uDatum)) $
filter ((<= unwrapCredential cred) . blnKey . uDatum) blacklistNodes

-- Finds the index of the blacklist node in the reference scripts
findWitnessReferenceIndex txBody cred =
let UTxODat {uIn, uDatum = blnNodeDatum} = findProof cred
in if blnKey blnNodeDatum == unwrapCredential cred
-- fromIntegral @Int @Integer $ findIndexReference uIn txBody
then error "Credential is blacklisted" -- TODO: handle this and other error cases properly
else fromIntegral @Int @Integer $ findIndexReference uIn txBody

-- Extracts the credentials that can be used for a transfer from the transaction body
transferWitnesses txBody =
let wdrls = case txBody ^. L.txWithdrawals of
-- Maybe `sort` here is redundant if txWithdrawals are already sorted
C.TxWithdrawals _ wdrls' -> sort $ map (\(stkAddr,_,_) -> transStakeCredential $ C.stakeAddressCredential stkAddr) wdrls'
_ -> []

signatories = case txBody ^. L.txExtraKeyWits of
C.TxExtraKeyWitnesses _ pkhs -> map (transCredential . C.PaymentCredentialByKey) pkhs
_ -> []

in wdrls <> signatories
let UTxODat {uIn, uDatum = blnNodeDatum} = tryFindProof blacklistNodes cred
in fromIntegral @Int @Integer $ findIndexReference uIn txBody

-- Maps the credential to the index of the blacklist node in the reference scripts
witnessReferences txBody = map (uIn . findProof) $ transferWitnesses txBody
witnessReferences txBody = map (uIn . tryFindProof blacklistNodes) $ transferWitnesses txBody

-- Maps the credential to the index of the blacklist node in the reference scripts and wraps in redeemer
transferRedeemer txBody = map (NonmembershipProof . findWitnessReferenceIndex txBody) $ transferWitnesses txBody

-- Builds the script witness for the transfer
transferStakeWitness txBody = buildScriptWitness transferScript C.NoScriptDatumForStake (transferRedeemer txBody)

-- Check that none of the witnesses are on the blacklist
-- This means we're traversing the list of blacklist nodes an additional time.
-- But here is the only place where we can use MonadError. So we have to do it
-- here to allow the client code to handle the error properly.
checkNotBlacklisted blacklistNodes (transCredential $ C.PaymentCredentialByKey opPkh)

addRequiredSignature opPkh
-- addReference blnNodeRef -- Add the blacklist node reference to the transaction
addReferencesWithTxBody witnessReferences
addWithdrawalWithTxBody -- Add the global script witness to the transaction
(C.makeStakeAddress nid transferStakeCred)
Expand Down
20 changes: 15 additions & 5 deletions src/test/Wst/Test/UnitTest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ import Convex.Class (MonadBlockchain (queryProtocolParameters, sendTx),
MonadMockchain, MonadUtxoQuery)
import Convex.CoinSelection (ChangeOutputPosition (TrailingChange))
import Convex.MockChain.CoinSelection (tryBalanceAndSubmit)
import Convex.MockChain.Utils (mockchainSucceeds)
import Convex.MockChain.Utils (mockchainFails, mockchainSucceeds)
import Convex.Utils (failOnError)
import Convex.Wallet.MockWallet qualified as Wallet
import Convex.Wallet.Operator (signTxOperator)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import GHC.Exception (SomeException, throw)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, testCase)
import Wst.Offchain.BuildTx.DirectorySet (InsertNodeArgs (..))
import Wst.Offchain.BuildTx.ProgrammableLogic (alwaysSucceedsArgs)
import Wst.Offchain.Endpoints.Deployment qualified as Endpoints
Expand All @@ -37,14 +39,13 @@ tests = testGroup "unit tests"
, testCase "insert directory node" (mockchainSucceeds insertDirectoryNode)
, testGroup "issue programmable tokens"
-- FIXME: Fails because the minted value is not sent to the operator
-- address. If we want to keep this test we need to modify the Endpoint.issueProgrammableTokenTx
-- address. If we want to keep this test we need to modify the Endpoint.issueProgrammableTokenTx
-- tx builder to pay the minted value to progLogicBaseScript with operator stake credential
[ testCase "always succeeds validator" (mockchainSucceeds issueAlwaysSucceedsValidator)
, testCase "smart token issuance" (mockchainSucceeds issueSmartTokensScenario)
, testCase "smart token transfer" (mockchainSucceeds transferSmartTokens)
, testCase "blacklist credential" (mockchainSucceeds (void blacklistCredential))
-- FIXME: Currently just throws, should implement better error handling
, testCase "blacklisted transfer" (mockchainSucceeds blacklistTransfer)
, testCase "blacklisted transfer" (mockchainFails blacklistTransfer assertBlacklistedAddressException)
, testCase "seize user output" (mockchainSucceeds seizeUserOutput)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,6 +240,7 @@ registerAlwaysSucceedsStakingCert = failOnError $ do
txBody <- BuildTx.execBuildTxT $ do
BuildTx.addStakeScriptWitness cred Scripts.alwaysSucceedsScript ()
BuildTx.addConwayStakeCredentialRegistrationCertificate cred (pp ^. Ledger.ppKeyDepositL)
addStakeCredentialCertificate cred
void (tryBalanceAndSubmit mempty Wallet.w1 txBody TrailingChange [])

registerTransferScripts :: (MonadFail m, MonadReader env m, Env.HasDirectoryEnv env, Env.HasTransferLogicEnv env, MonadMockchain C.ConwayEra m) => C.Hash C.PaymentKey -> m C.TxId
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,3 +292,11 @@ _expectLeft :: (MonadFail m, Show b) => String -> Either a b -> m ()
_expectLeft msg = \case
Left _ -> pure ()
(Right r) -> fail $ "Expected " ++ msg ++ " but found Right " ++ show r

-- TODO: Need to make this nicer
{-| Make sure that the exception is a failure due to blacklisted address
assertBlacklistedAddressException :: SomeException -> Assertion
assertBlacklistedAddressException ex
| "user error (TransferBlacklistedCredential (PubKeyCredential" `isPrefixOf` show ex = pure ()
| otherwise = throw ex

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