M2: Hermes Foundations
Hermes Foundational Work will be a minimal implementation of Hermes to incorporate the basic internal APIs that the Athena application will require, such as time; chronological event generation; logging; basic hashing, and basic cryptography functions. Hermes allows the WASM modules it runs to call these APIs. Still, the runtime will be highly simplified …
Hermes Foundational Work will be a minimal implementation of Hermes to incorporate the basic internal APIs that the Athena application will require, such as time; chronological event generation; logging; basic hashing, and basic cryptography functions. Hermes allows the WASM modules it runs to call these APIs. Still, the runtime will be highly simplified only to allow testing of the APIs. The APIs created in this milestone will be documented for ease of use by any application developer designing programs to run on the Hermes Application Engine. It will also include a Rust implementation of a basic Cardano Node follower and its integration into the Hermes node. This follower will only supply the necessary features required to deliver Project Catalyst Voting for Athena and will serve as the basis for future features that are out of scope for this proposal but which would enhance Cardano Integration, generally.
This milestone is closed.
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