What's Changed
v0.26.0 by @chavda-bhavik in #827feat
Changed placeholder by @chavda-bhavik in #831- Feat/integrations by @thisismayuresh in #832
streamline journey by @chavda-bhavik in #834feat:
Added Facility to send daata to user on manual entry by @chavda-bhavik in #835feat
remove snippet by @chavda-bhavik in #836- feat/integrations by @thisismayuresh in #837
integrations improvements by @thisismayuresh in #839feat:
utilized exceljs to skip empty rows in file while counting by @chavda-bhavik in #838feat:
Rename feature by @chavda-bhavik in #840feat:
Added event listener for on import job created by @chavda-bhavik in #842- Feat/file download in manual entry of records by @thisismayuresh in #841
Full Changelog: v0.26.0...v0.26.1