This is where you will find the technical information about the IMHOTEP simulations used in Tajouri et Al (2024) paper.
eORCA025 directory hold the 4 simulations used in the paper :
- eORCA025-IMHOTEP.SPINUP : the spinup simulation
- eORCA025-IMHOREP.exp1 : Simulation where all inland freshwater fluxes are interannual
- eORCA025-IMHOREP.exp2 : Simulation where all inland freshwater fluxes except Greenland are interannual
- eORCA025-IMHOREP.CLIM : Simulation where all inland freshwater fluxes are climatomogical.
For all the configuration, we used the NEMO code at its release 4.0.6 (than can be obtained with the following command :
''' svn co'''
For each configuration, in the CODE subdirectory, only the fortran modules differing from the NEMO release are given.
For each configuration, in the CTL subdirectory, NEMO namelists (ice and ocean) are provided, together with the xml files used to control the XIOS server coupled with NEMO.
Tajouri S., W.Llowel, F. Sevellec, J.M. Molines, P. Mathiot, T. Penduff, S. Leroux (2024) : Simulated Impact of Time-varying River Runoff and Greenland Freshwater Discharge on Sea Level Variability in the Beaufort Gyre Over 2005-2018. Journal of Geophysical Research , Accepted Aug. 2024