Purely functional Scala implementation of REST API for money transfer between accounts using Finch
, Circe
, Doobie
and Scalatest
with Featherbed
for testing.
To run simply execute sbt run
To package executable binary run sbt clean test stage
. Executable will be installed in ./target/universal/stage/bin/money-transfer
API root URL: http://localhost:8080/api/
The following methods implemented:
Creates new account, returns account in response.
Example request:
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"amount": 100
Example response:
Status: 200
"id": "ed8d39bf-765d-4d56-af5f-5ffa5f9b3264",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"amount": 100.0
Example response:
Status: 200
"id": "ed8d39bf-765d-4d56-af5f-5ffa5f9b3264",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"amount": 100.0
Possible errors:
- Account not found:
Status: 404 { "message": "Account with id 'ed8d39bf-765d-4d56-af5f-5ffa5f9b3264' not found" }
Transfers money from one account to another. Returns successful transaction.
Example request:
"fromId": "ed8d39bf-765d-4d56-af5f-5ffa5f9b3264",
"toId": "9dcc42e7-fde6-477a-bbda-3700c7879a44",
"amount": 10
Example response:
Status: 200
"fromId": "ed8d39bf-765d-4d56-af5f-5ffa5f9b3264",
"toId": "9dcc42e7-fde6-477a-bbda-3700c7879a44",
"amount": 10
Possible errors:
- Account not found
Status: 404 { "message": "Account with id 'ed8d39bf-765d-4d56-af5f-5ffa5f9b3264' not found" }
- Can't transfer negative amount of money:
Status: 400 { "message": "Can't transfer non-positive amount of money" }
- Not enough money to transfers:
Status: 400 { "message": "Account with id 'ed8d39bf-765d-4d56-af5f-5ffa5f9b3264' doesn't have enough money to transfer to account with id '9dcc42e7-fde6-477a-bbda-3700c7879a44'" }