- Provision the GPU instance using the cloudformation script
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <stack-name> --template-body file://provisioning/ec2-p2-xlarge.yml
- Make sure your SSH key and SSH agent forwarding is enabled by adding the following lines to
Host <hostname> <host-ip>
ForwardAgent yes
- Run the Ansible playbook
ansible-playbook setup-machine-learning-server.yaml -i hosts --user=ubuntu
- From a different terminal, open an SSH terminal into the EC2 instance
ssh ubuntu@<ip-address-or-hostname> -NL 1234:localhost:1234
- SSH into the EC2 instance and start Jupyter notebooks
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port 1234
(Cut and paste the login URL with token into your local browser, and you should connect to the Notebook server.)
- After working on your notebook a little and saving it, make sure to copy it to your local repo and commit changes:
scp ubuntu@<ec2-host-name>:~/machine-learning-notebooks/<notebook-name>.ipynb ./