This WebApp is a personal board for reminder tasks in the form of posts-its. It was developed as part of CheckPoint 4 of the Wild Code School Javascript Developer Training in June 2022 by Juliane Casier
This project was developed in 2 days and is an end of course project. It works but the functionalities are simple:
- create a new table of posts-its
- Create posts-its of 3 different colors
- Fill a post it with text
- Move (drag and drop) the post-its on a table.
This project is written in React
- Template` : Application developed on React, Node Express from a template developed by the Wild Code School. Only the front end was used
Tools used in this template:
- Concurrently : Allows to execute several commands in the same terminal
- Husky : Allows to execute actions when triggered by git commands
- Vite : Alternative to Create-React-App, with fewer packages for a smoother experience
- ESLint : "Code quality" tool, ensures that pre-configured rules are respected
- Prettier : "code quality" tool, also focuses on code style
- Standard Airbnb : One of the most famous "standards", even if it is not officially linked to ES/JS
- Nodemon : Tool to restart a server each time one of the files is modified
- Redux: Redux was used to manage user information at login or registration time and throughout the navigation
- React DND` : To manage the Drag and Drop of posts-its, React DND was used
- Other miscellaneous libraries:
- Styled Component was used to manage the styling of the application.
- React Router to manage links between pages.
- Prop-types to type the props.
On VSCode, install Prettier - Code formatter and ESLint plugins and configure them
Clone this repository, go inside
Run the npm run setup command
setup : Initialization of the frontend and backend and tools
dev : Start the three servers (frontend + backend + admin) in the same terminal
dev-front : Start a React server for the frontend
lint: Run code validation tools (will be executed automatically at each commit)
fix : Fix formatting errors (to be run if lint doesn't pass)
This project was developed as part of the end of the Wild Code School Javascript web developer training in June 2022 by Juliane Casier
Translated with (free version)