A simple set of abstract models and functionality to speed up the development of a portfolio type site. There are models to provide functionality for:
- Contact form
- Blog. Supports RST -> HTML conversion
- Projects, which can optionally have images
Install with:
pip install django-portfolio
Add 'portfolio' to your INSTALLED_APPS and extend as required. Here are some example usages assuming that you have created three skeleton apps in your project called contact, blog and project. This would give you a project structure something like
/your_project . |-blog |-contact |-projects
from portfolio.contact.models import MessageBase class Message(MessageBase): pass
from django.contrib import admin from contact.models import Message class MessageAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): readonly_fields = ['subject', 'message', 'sender', 'cc_sender', 'sent'] date_hierarchy = 'sent' list_display = ('subject', 'message', 'sender', 'sent') list_filter = ('sent','sender') search_fields = ['subject', 'sender', 'message'] admin.site.register(Message, MessageAdmin)
from portfolio.blog.models import PostBase class Post(PostBase): pass
from django.contrib import admin from blog.models import Post admin.site.register(Post)
from portfolio.projects.models import ProjectBase, ImageBase class Project(ProjectBase): pass class Image(ImageBase): pass
from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic from projects.models import Project, Image class ImageInline(generic.GenericTabularInline): model = Image class ProjectAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): inlines = [ ImageInline, ] admin.site.register(Project, ProjectAdmin)
Update your database, fire up the admin and inspect the models. You are now free to customise at will.
- django-extensions TimeStampedModel is used as the base class for all models
- django-tagging Used in blog posts. You may also want to add this to Projects
- django-tinymce There as a default for Post, but can overridden