Image cropper utility that crops an image in any polygonal shape chosen and returns a base64 of the cropped area.
$ npm install idcrop
const IdCrop = require("idcrop");
const idcrop = new IdCrop({
displaySelector: "#display",
toolbarSelector: "#toolbar",
previewSelector: "#preview"
The only required key in the configuration object is the CSS selector for the display area, but we have a bunch of configuration options that will be listed below.
- displaySelector CSS selector for the containerof the display area (required, type CSS Selector)
- toolbarSelector CSS selector for the container of the toolbar (default "" type CSS Selector)
- previewSelector CSS selector for the container of the preview area (default "" type CSS Selector)
- closeButtonSelector CSS selector for the close button when Inifity is the number of points (default "" type CSS Selector)
- allowUpload Wether or not to allow image upload (default true type boolean)
- numPoints Number of points (default 4 type integer)
- croppingArea
- overlayColor The color of the overlay around the cropping area (default "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)" type CSS colors)
- stroke Wether or not to add a stroke around the cropping area (default true type boolean)
- strokeColor The color of the stroke around the cropping area (default "white" type CSS colors)
- strokeDashed Wether or not the stroke is dashed (default true type boolean)
- strokeWeight The weight of the stroke around the cropping area (default 2 type integer)
- crop
- overlayColor The color of the overlay around the crop (default "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" type CSS colors)
- fillColor The color of the fill inside the crop (default false type boolean)
- showImage Wether or not to show the image inside the crop polygon. (default true type boolean)
- stroke Wether or not to add a stroke around the crop (default false type boolean)
- strokeColor The color of the stroke around the crop (default false type boolean)
- strokeDashed Wether or not the stroke is dashed (default false type boolean)
- strokeWeight The weight of the stroke around the cropping area (default 0 type integer)
- handles
- class Any aditional classes to be added to the handles (default "" type string)
- defaultStyles Wether or not to add the default styles to the handles. (default false type boolean)
Some events are dispatched to the document
in some key actions done to the cropper. These events are:
Dispatched when the IdCrop is loaded or reset. detail The IdCrop configuration object.handleCreated
Dispatched when a new handle is created. detail The x and y position of the created handle.resized
Dispatched when a handle is moved. detail The new x and y position of the moved handle.crop
Dispatched when a crop action happens. detail The dataURI for the image created.
Right now we only have one getter method for the IdCrop which is:
This method returns a list with all the points added to the image relative to the real image size.
You can create a container for display (cropping area), toolbar (for now, only filename) and preview (cropped area preview). Only the display area is required though.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css href="[email protected]/dist/css/main.min.css">
<div id="display"></div>
<div id="toolbar"></div>
<div id="preview"></div>
$ npm install & npm start
We use a combination of eslint and prettier for the formatting and linting of our JS code.
$ npm run lint
$ npm run fix
We have a small npm script that handles the bumping of the version and the publishing of the package for us.
$ npm --no-git-tag version <newversion>
Copyright © 2017, Idwall. Released under the MIT license.