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Parser refactor (#3450)
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* split up ideMode tests
* Carry names across semantic decorations
* Remove redundant semantic coloring functions
* add documentation comments for parser
  • Loading branch information
andrevidela authored Jan 19, 2025
1 parent 77df186 commit 82ea4b1
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Showing 117 changed files with 911 additions and 761 deletions.
85 changes: 63 additions & 22 deletions src/Idris/Desugar.idr
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Expand Up @@ -306,6 +306,38 @@ mutual
case x == pur of -- implicitly add namespace to unqualified occurrences of `pure` in a qualified do-block
False => pure $ IVar fc x
True => pure $ IVar fc (maybe pur (`NS` pur) ns)

-- Desugaring forall n1, n2, n3 . s into
-- {0 n1 : ?} -> {0 n2 : ?} -> {0 n3 : ?} -> s
desugarB side ps (Forall (MkFCVal fc (names, scope)))
= desugarForallNames ps (forget names)
desugarForallNames : (ctx : List Name) ->
(names : List (WithFC Name)) -> Core RawImp
desugarForallNames ctx [] = desugarB side ctx scope
desugarForallNames ctx (x :: xs)
= IPi x.fc erased Implicit (Just x.val)
<$> desugarB side ps (PImplicit x.fc)
<*> desugarForallNames (x.val :: ctx) xs

-- Desugaring (n1, n2, n3 : t) -> s into
-- (n1 : t) -> (n2 : t) -> (n3 : t) -> s
desugarB side ps
(NewPi (MkFCVal fc
(MkPBinderScope (MkPBinder info (MkBasicMultiBinder rig names type)) scope)))
= desugarMultiBinder ps (forget names)
desugarMultiBinder : (ctx : List Name) -> List (WithFC Name) -> Core RawImp
desugarMultiBinder ctx []
= desugarB side ctx scope
desugarMultiBinder ctx (name :: xs)
= let extendedCtx = name.val :: ps
in IPi fc rig
<$> mapDesugarPiInfo extendedCtx info
<*> (pure (Just name.val))
<*> desugarB side ps type
<*> desugarMultiBinder extendedCtx xs

desugarB side ps (PPi fc rig p mn argTy retTy)
= let ps' = maybe ps (:: ps) mn in
pure $ IPi fc rig !(traverse (desugar side ps') p)
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desugarDecl ps (MkFCVal fc $ PParameters params pds)
= do
params' <- getArgs params
pds' <- traverse (desugarDecl (ps ++ map fst params')) pds
let paramList = forget params'
pds' <- traverse (desugarDecl (ps ++ map fst paramList)) pds
-- Look for implicitly bindable names in the parameters
pnames <- ifThenElse (not !isUnboundImplicits) (pure [])
$ map concat
$ for (map (Builtin.snd . Builtin.snd . Builtin.snd) params')
$ findUniqueBindableNames fc True (ps ++ map Builtin.fst params') []
$ for (map (Builtin.snd . Builtin.snd . Builtin.snd) paramList)
$ findUniqueBindableNames fc True (ps ++ map Builtin.fst paramList) []

let paramsb = map (\(n, rig, info, tm) =>
(n, rig, info, doBind pnames tm)) params'
pure [IParameters fc paramsb (concat pds')]
getArgs : Either (List (Name, PTerm))
(List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo (PTerm' Name), PTerm' Name)) ->
Core (List (ImpParameter' Name))
getArgs : Either (List1 PlainBinder)
(List1 PBinder) ->
Core (List1 (ImpParameter' Name))
getArgs (Left params)
= traverse (\(n, ty) => do
= traverseList1 (\(MkWithName n ty) => do
ty' <- desugar AnyExpr ps ty
pure (n, top, Explicit, ty')) params
pure (n.val, top, Explicit, ty')) params
getArgs (Right params)
= traverse (\(n, rig, info, ntm) => do
= join <$> traverseList1 (\(MkPBinder info (MkBasicMultiBinder rig n ntm)) => do
tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps ntm
i' <- traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) info
pure (n, rig, i', tm')) params
let allbinders = map (\nn => (nn.val, rig, i', tm')) n
pure allbinders) params

desugarDecl ps (MkFCVal fc $ PUsing uimpls uds)
= do syn <- get Syn
let oldu = usingImpl syn
Expand All @@ -1140,16 +1175,17 @@ mutual
pure (concat uds')
desugarDecl ps (MkFCVal fc $ PInterface vis cons_in tn doc params det conname body)
= do addDocString tn doc
let paramNames = map fst params
let paramNames = concatMap (map val . forget . names) params

let cons = concatMap expandConstraint cons_in
cons' <- traverse (\ ntm => do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr (ps ++ paramNames)
(snd ntm)
pure (fst ntm, tm')) cons
params' <- traverse (\ (nm, (rig, tm)) =>
params' <- concat <$> traverse (\ (MkBasicMultiBinder rig nm tm) =>
do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps tm
pure (nm, (rig, tm')))
pure $ map (\n => (n, (rig, tm'))) (forget nm))
let _ = the (List (WithFC Name, RigCount, RawImp)) params'
-- Look for bindable names in all the constraints and parameters
let mnames = map dropNS (definedIn (map val body))
bnames <- ifThenElse (not !isUnboundImplicits) (pure [])
Expand All @@ -1159,7 +1195,7 @@ mutual

let paramsb = map (\ (nm, (rig, tm)) =>
let tm' = doBind bnames tm in
(nm, (rig, tm')))
(nm.val, (rig, tm')))
let consb = map (\ (nm, tm) => (nm, doBind bnames tm)) cons'

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desugarDecl ps (MkFCVal fc $ PRecord doc vis mbtot (MkPRecordLater tn params))
= desugarDecl ps (MkFCVal fc $ PData doc vis mbtot (MkPLater fc tn (mkRecType params)))
mkRecType : List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm, PTerm) -> PTerm
mkRecType : List PBinder -> PTerm
mkRecType [] = PType fc
mkRecType ((n, c, p, t) :: ts) = PPi fc c p (Just n) t (mkRecType ts)
mkRecType (MkPBinder p (MkBasicMultiBinder c (n ::: []) t) :: ts)
= PPi fc c p (Just n.val) t (mkRecType ts)
mkRecType (MkPBinder p (MkBasicMultiBinder c (n ::: x :: xs) t) :: ts)
= PPi fc c p (Just n.val) t (mkRecType (MkPBinder p (MkBasicMultiBinder c (x ::: xs) t) :: ts))
desugarDecl ps (MkFCVal fc $ PRecord doc vis mbtot (MkPRecord tn params opts conname_in fields))
= do addDocString tn doc
params' <- traverse (\ (n,c,p,tm) =>
params' <- concat <$> traverse (\ (MkPBinder info (MkBasicMultiBinder rig names tm)) =>
do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps tm
p' <- mapDesugarPiInfo ps p
pure (n, c, p', tm'))
p' <- mapDesugarPiInfo ps info
let allBinders = map (\nn => (nn.val, rig, p', tm')) (forget names)
pure allBinders)
let _ = the (List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, RawImp)) params'
let fnames = concat $ map getfname fields
let paramNames = concatMap (map val . forget . names . bind) params
let _ = the (List Name) fnames
-- Look for bindable names in the parameters

let bnames = if !isUnboundImplicits
then concatMap (findBindableNames True
(ps ++ fnames ++ map fst params) [])
(ps ++ fnames ++ paramNames) [])
(map (\(_,_,_,d) => d) params')
else []
let _ = the (List (String, String)) bnames

let paramsb = map (\ (n, c, p, tm) => (n, c, p, doBind bnames tm)) params'
let _ = the (List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, RawImp)) paramsb
let recName = nameRoot tn
fields' <- traverse (desugarField (ps ++ fnames ++
map fst params) (mkNamespace recName))
fields' <- traverse (desugarField (ps ++ fnames ++ paramNames
) (mkNamespace recName))
let _ = the (List $ List IField) fields'
let conname = maybe (mkConName tn) snd conname_in
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/Idris/Desugar/Mutual.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Idris.Desugar.Mutual

import Idris.Syntax
import Data.List1

%default total

Expand All @@ -26,9 +27,13 @@ getDecl AsType d@(MkFCVal _ $ PInterface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = Just d
getDecl AsType (MkFCVal fc $ PRecord doc vis mbtot (MkPRecord n ps _ _ _))
= Just (MkFCVal fc $ PData doc vis mbtot (MkPLater fc n (mkRecType ps)))
mkRecType : List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm, PTerm) -> PTerm
mkRecType : List PBinder -> PTerm
mkRecType [] = PType fc
mkRecType ((n, c, p, t) :: ts) = PPi fc c p (Just n) t (mkRecType ts)
mkRecType (MkPBinder p (MkBasicMultiBinder c (n ::: []) t) :: ts)
= PPi fc c p (Just n.val) t (mkRecType ts)
mkRecType (MkPBinder p (MkBasicMultiBinder c (n ::: x :: xs) t) :: ts)
= PPi fc c p (Just n.val) t
(assert_total $ mkRecType (MkPBinder p (MkBasicMultiBinder c (x ::: xs) t) :: ts))
getDecl AsType d@(MkFCVal _ $ PFixity _ ) = Just d
getDecl AsType d@(MkFCVal _ $ PDirective _) = Just d
getDecl AsType d = Nothing
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