[UPDATE][26.08.2024] Latest release of zenoh: zenoh:1.0.0-alpha.6
bug is still persistent.
[10.08.2024] Latest release of zenoh: zenoh:1.0.0-alpha.5
. Running zenohd
with any configuration file results in error.
Command: zenohd -c DEFAULT_CONFIG.json5
Occuring Error:
INFO main ThreadId(01) zenohd: zenohd v1.0.0-alpha.5 built with rustc 1.75.0 (82e1608df 2023-12-21)
thread 'main' panicked at zenohd/src/main.rs:122:42:
called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: JSON error: invalid type: string "", expected a list of whatami variants ('router', 'peer', 'client') at commons/zenoh-config/src/lib.rs:748.
note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace
Reported issue: eclipse-zenoh/zenoh#1292
Suggested solution: https://github.com/eclipse-zenoh/zenoh/compare/main...anhaabaete:zenoh:patch-1
Implemented changes: zenoh/src/main.rs:126-129\*\*
- Config::from_file(conf_file).
+ Config::from_file(conf_file).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
+ // if file load fail, wanning, and load defaul config
+ tracing::warn!("Warn: File {} not found! {}", conf_file, e.to_string());
+ Config::default()
# dir
cd zenoh_router/
sudo chmod +x entrypoint.sh
# compose
docker compose up --build
cd ros2_zenoh/