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LeafletForBlazor NuGet Package - You can quickly add a map component to your Blazor application - version. #12 issue, StreamLegend customization

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LealletForBlazor32 Leaflet Map for Blazor

You can quickly add a map to the blazor page. Starting with version 2.0.0, LeafletForBlazor provide you a new control (RealTimeMap) for real time data displaying and analysis. Data can come from various (provided by various) tracking devices: router (static) and mobile phone, GPS of the fleet (dynamic) etc.

NuGet Package

This package is under development, but I will keep the code compatible from one version to another.

You can find more information:

What's New

Title News Description
#12 bug Issue when rendering the map reported by Mohammad Khairul Azmi bin Mat Esa
StreamLegend Customization Formatting StreamLegend label text (font, padding), padding content and items counter

New examples code

Example Description
Real Time Data/StreamPoint collection
Click and Query StreamPoint Collection Displays the attributes of a StreamPoint from RealTimeMap selected by clicking. Query StreamPoint collection based on distance
Appearance and Zoom Level - Simplify The symbols used in displaying the points must be correlated with the zoom level. Thus, we can use icons when displaying a small area and points when displaying an extended area
Tooltips and custom properties A StreamPoint can use custom properties stored on value. These custom properties can be used to define tooltips.
Tracking and Monitoring points position Highlighting, displaying information and alert when points from the map are close to each other at distances less than or equal to a threshold value.
GeoJSON file
Configuring custom tooltips We can configure the content of the tooltips based on the custom properties of a GeoJSON items
Appearance and switch/cases You can create distinct symbolization classes based on the properties of GeoJSON file items. Apply zoom levels visibility.
png.* Icons, switch/cases and vesibility zoom levels You can create distinct symbolization classes based on the properties of GeoJSON file items. When the shape is point type, you can icons (*.png) for display in the map. Apply zoom levels visibility.
RealTimeMap components
StreamLegend component StreamLegend is a component (starting with that allows the display of symbols applied through the Appearance() method. This component displays only the symbols of the StreamPoint elements added on the RealTime.Geometric.Points class.


RealTimeMap Blazor component tutorial

RealTimeMap control is optimized for working with streaming data. This control will load data using multiple concurrent calls (separate threads of execution).

Basic configuration

  1. add LeafletForBlazor NuGet package:

Using Visual Studio interface:

  • Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...

Search for "LeafletForBlazor" and add the package to the project or solution.

Or using Visual Studio console:

  • Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console

    NuGet\Install-Package LeafletForBlazor
  1. add the LeafletForBlazor namespace to the project, using the @using directive

For this, add

    @using LeafletForBlazor

in the _Imports.razor file of the project.

  1. add RealTimeMap control into Blazor Page:

     <RealTimeMap height="460px" width="620px"></RealTimeMap>

Working with loading parameters

Map loading parameters can be defined using the LoadParameters class. This class allows you to define: the location of the center of the view (default) of the map, the zoom level and others.

  1. add in code block loading parameters:

         RealTimeMap.LoadParameters parameters = new RealTimeMap.LoadParameters()  //general map settings
                 location = new RealTimeMap.Location()
                     latitude = 44.4501715,      
                     longitude = 26.1107672,
                 zoomLevel = 18
  2. set the loading parameters (default map parameters) to the RealTimeMap control:

    <RealTimeMap Parameters="parameters" height="460px" width="620px"></RealTimeMap>

RealTimeMap and basemap

You can add various basemaps to the list of map layers.

Blazor page

<RealTimeMap height="462px" width="462px" Parameters="@parameters"></RealTimeMap>

Code block

    static string openCycleMapAPIKey = "";
    RealTimeMap.LoadParameters parameters = new RealTimeMap.LoadParameters()
            basemap = new RealTimeMap.Basemap()
                basemapLayers = new List<RealTimeMap.BasemapLayer>()
                    new RealTimeMap.BasemapLayer()
                        url = "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
                        attribution = "©Open Street Map",
                        title = "Open Street Map",
                        detectRetina = true
                    new RealTimeMap.BasemapLayer()
                        url = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
                        attribution = "Open Topo",
                        title = "Open Topo",
                        detectRetina = true
                    new RealTimeMap.BasemapLayer()
                        url = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=" + openCycleMapAPIKey,
                        attribution = "©Open Cycle Map",
                        title = "Open Cycle Map"



RealTimeMap and interaction options

You can change the behavior of the map to various mouse actions:

Blazor page

<RealTimeMap height="462px" width="462px" Parameters="@parameters" Options="options"></RealTimeMap>

Code block

    RealTimeMap.MapOptions options = new RealTimeMap.MapOptions()
            interactionOptions = new RealTimeMap.InteractionOptions()
                doubleClickZoom = true,
                shiftBoxZoom = false

View class

This class allows you to modify and read the RealTimeMap loading parameters:

Property Direction Description
setZoomLevel to set RealTimeMap zoom level
setMinZoomLevel to set RealTimeMap minimum zoom level
setMaxZoomLevel to set RealTimeMap maximum zoom level
setCenter to set RealTimeMap center of map view (location)
setBounds to set maxim bounds (extent) of map view

Exemple code

Blazor page

<RealTimeMap @ref="realTimeMap" height="460px" width="460px"></RealTimeMap>

Code block

    RealTimeMap realTimeMap = new RealTimeMap();
    public void onZoomLevel()
        realTimeMap.View.setZoomLevel = 10;

    public void onLocation()
        realTimeMap.View.setCenter = new RealTimeMap.Location()
                latitude = 40.712,
                longitude = -74.227

    public void onBounds()
        realTimeMap.View.setBounds = new RealTimeMap.Bounds()
                northEast = new RealTimeMap.Location() { latitude = 44.119016922388475, longitude = 25.5423343754357 },
                southWest = new RealTimeMap.Location() { latitude = 44.06574292386291, longitude = 25.67686807545283 }


RealTimeMap control events

Events Description
OnAfterMapLoaded triggered after the map has been completely loaded on the Blazor page
OnClickMap event is triggered after the user clicks left on the map. This control will return the location of the clicked point
OnDoubleClickMap event is triggered after the user double clicks (left) on the map. This control will return the location of the double clicked point
OnMouseDownMap event is triggered when the left button is pressed (contact open). This control will return the location of the clicked down (left pressed) point
OnMouseUpMap event is triggered after the left button is released (contact close). This control will return the location of the clicked up (left released) point
OnZoomLevelEndChange event is triggered after the map has been zoom change ended
OnMouseMove event is triggered when mouse move and return the location of pointer in map
OnStreamPointAppearanceChange event is triggered every time the Appearance() method from the Geometric.Points class is called


OnAfterMapLoaded (MapEventArgs value) event is triggered after the map has been completely loaded on the blazor page. This event can be used when loading geometric elements (e.g. points), setting the appearance, configuring analyzes, etc.

OnAfterMapLoaded event arguments

  1. value.sender: is the reference to the RealTimeMap control

  2. value.zoomLevel: is the value of the zoom level of the loaded RealTimeMap

  3. value.centerOfView: is the location of the center of the current view in coordinates (latitude, longitude)

  4. value.bounds: the coordinates of the northeast (upper right) and southwest (lower left) corners of the displayed map extent

    public async Task onAfterMapLoaded(RealTimeMap.MapEventArgs value)

Example code

    //Blazor Page
    <RealTimeMap height="620px" width="820px" OnAfterMapLoaded="onLoadControl" ></RealTimeMap>
    //Code block
            public async Task onLoadControl(RealTimeMap.MapEventArgs value)
                //where value.sender is RealTimeMap control reference


OnClickMap event is triggered after the user clicks left on the map. This control will return the location of the clicked point.

  1. value.sender: is the reference to the RealTimeMap control
  2. value.location: location of point

Example code

    //Blazor Page
    <RealTimeMap height="620px" width="820px" OnClickMap="onClickMap"></RealTimeMap>
    //Code block
            public void onClickMap(RealTimeMap.ClicksMapArgs value)
                //where value.sender is RealTimeMap control reference


OnDoubleClickMap event is triggered after the user double clicks (left) on the map. This control will return the location of the double clicked point.

  1. value.sender: is the reference to the RealTimeMap control
  2. value.location: location of point

Example code

    //Blazor Page
    <RealTimeMap height="620px" width="820px" OnDoubleClickMap="onDoubleClickMap"></RealTimeMap>
    //Code block
            public void onDoubleClickMap(RealTimeMap.ClicksMapArgs value)
                //where value.sender is RealTimeMap control reference


OnMouseDownMap event is triggered when the left button is pressed (contact open). This control will return the location of the clicked down (left pressed) point.

  1. value.sender: is the reference to the RealTimeMap control
  2. value.location: location of point

Example code

    //Blazor Page
    <RealTimeMap height="620px" width="820px" OnMouseDownMap="onMouseDownMap"></RealTimeMap>
    //Code block
            public void onMouseDownMap(RealTimeMap.ClicksMapArgs value)
                //where value.sender is RealTimeMap control reference


OnMouseUpMap event is triggered after the left button is released (contact close). This control will return the location of the clicked up (left released) point.

  1. value.sender: is the reference to the RealTimeMap control
  2. value.location: location of point

Example code

    //Blazor Page
    <RealTimeMap height="620px" width="820px" OnMouseUpMap="onMouseUpMap"></RealTimeMap>
    //Code block
            public void onMouseUpMap(RealTimeMap.ClicksMapArgs value)
                //where value.sender is RealTimeMap control reference


OnZoomLevelEndChange (MapZoomEventArgs value) event is triggered after the map has been zoom change ended.

OnZoomLevelEndChange event arguments

  1. value.sender: is the reference to the RealTimeMap control
  2. value.zoomLevel: is the value of the zoom level of the loaded RealTimeMap
  3. value.centerOfView: is the location of the center of the current view in coordinates (latitude, longitude)

Example code

//Blazor Page
<RealTimeMap  OnZoomLevelEndChange="@OnZoomLevel" width="460px" height="462px" />
//Code block
    public async Task OnZoomLevel(RealTimeMap.MapZoomEventArgs args)


OnMouseMove event is triggered after the usermove pointer mouse on RealTimeMap and return the location of the mouse pointer.

  1. value.sender: is the reference to the RealTimeMap control
  2. value.location: location of the mouse pointer

Example code

Blazor page

<RealTimeMap @ref="realTimeMap" height="460px" width="460px" OnMouseMove="@onMouseMove"></RealTimeMap>

Code block

        RealTimeMap realTimeMap = new RealTimeMap();
        public void onMouseMove(RealTimeMap.ClicksMapArgs args)
            Console.WriteLine($"{args.location.latitude} / {args.location.longitude}");


OnStreamPointAppearanceChange event is triggered every time the Appearance() method from the Geometric.Points class is called.

Example code

Blazor page

<RealTimeMap @ref="realTimeMap" height="88vh" width="80hw" OnStreamPointAppearanceChange="@onStreamPointAppearanceChange"/>

Code block

        private void onStreamPointAppearanceChange(RealTimeMap.StreamPointsAppearanceArgs args)
            //where args.sender is RealTimeMap control reference
            RealTimeMap.StreamPointsAppearance[] result = args.pointsAppearance as RealTimeMap.StreamPointsAppearance[];

where the StreamPointsAppearance class definition is:

    public class StreamPointsAppearance
        public Guid[] guids { get; set; }
        public double[][] coordinates { get; set; }     //latitude and longitude
        public string type { get; set; }
        public RealTimeMap.PointSymbol symbol { get; set; }
        public RealTimeMap.PointIcon icon { get; set; }

Working with a single point (ex. my position)

movePoint(args...) method allows displaying the position of a single point. The method can be used to monitor one's own position.

The movePoint() method accepts from one argument to three arguments:

  • coordinate (double[2]): point coordinate. For example: realTimeMap.movePoint([44.4502578, 26.1108199]). Latitude and Longitude in degrees, geographical coordinates;
  • render symbol (PointSymbol/PointIcon): the point can be displayed with a circle (PointSymbol) or an icon/*.png (PointIcon);
  • tooltip (PointTooltip): configuring a tooltip with various information;
Method Description Map Results
mapPoint(double[]) The point is given by coordinate: latitude and longitude The default Leaflet marker will displayed on the map
mapPoint(double[],PointTooltip) The point is given by coordinate: latitude and longitude. movePoint allows the definition of tooltip The default Leaflet marker will be displayed on the map. The point will display a tooltip whose content is defined by PointTooltip
mapPoint(double[],PointSymbol) The point is given by coordinate: latitude and longitude. movePoint allows a custom symbol to be displayed The point will be displayed with a symbol defined by PointSymbol
mapPoint(double[],PointIcon) The point is given by coordinate: latitude and longitude.movePoint allows a custom icon (ex. *.png file) to displayed in the map The point will be displayed with an icon defined by PointIcon
mapPoint(double[],PointSymbol, PointTooltip) The point is given by coordinate: latitude and longitude. movePoint allows a custom symbol to be displayed and a tooltip The point will be displayed with a symbol defined by PointSymbol and will display a tooltip whose content is defined by PointTooltip
mapPoint(double[],PointIcon, PointTooltip) The point is given by coordinate: latitude and longitude.movePoint allows a custom icon (ex. *.png file) to be displayed and a tooltip. The point will by displayed with an icon defined by PointIcon and will display a tooltip whose content is defined by PointTooltip



public class PointTooltip
    public string? content { get; set; }        //accept html content or JavaScript template literals without "`"
    public bool permanent { get; set; } = true;
    public double opacity { get; set; } = 0.9;


 public class PointSymbol
    public int radius { get; set; } = 4;
    public string? fillColor {get;set;} 
    public string? color {get;set;} 
    public int weight{get;set;} 
    public double opacity{get;set;}
    public double fillOpacity { get; set; } = 1;


public class PointIcon
    public string iconUrl{get; set;}      //icon url (ex. *.png file)
    public int[] iconSize{get; set;}      //pixels
    public int[] iconAnchor{get; set;}    
    public int[] popupAnchor{get; set;}   
    public string shadowUrl{get; set;}     
    public int[] shadowSize{get; set;}    
    public int[] shadowAnchor{get; set;}  

Add in _Imports.razor project file

@using LeafletForBlazor

Blazor Page:

<button @onclick="onClickRun">Run</button> //launch moving points

Blazor code block:

@code {
    RealTimeMap? realTimeMap;	//reference to map control
    RealTimeMap.LoadParameters parameters = new RealTimeMap.LoadParameters()  //general map settings
        zoom_level = 18,
        location = new RealTimeMap.Location()
            latitude = 44.4501715,
            longitude = 26.1107672,
    //points (coordonate) on the route. For simulation...
    List<List<double>> coordinates = new List<List<double>>() {
    new List<double>() { 44.4502578, 26.1108199 },
    new List<double>() { 44.4500215, 26.1105407 },
    new List<double>() { 44.4497369, 26.1093086 },
    new List<double>() { 44.4496145 , 26.1088460 },
    new List<double>() {  44.4491875, 26.1079328 }

    RealTimeMap.PointSymbol symbol = new RealTimeMap.PointSymbol()
        color = "red",
        fillColor = "yellow",
        radius = 10,
        weight = 3,
        opacity = 1,
        fillOpacity = 1
    bool run = false;
    private async Task onClickRun() //Button onclick event
        run = !run;
        for(var i=0;i<1000;i++)
            pas = i % coordinates.Count;
            RealTimeMap.PointTooltip tooltip = new RealTimeMap.PointTooltip() { 
                content=$"{Math.Round( coordinates[pas][0],3)},{Math.Round( coordinates[pas][1],3)}", 
                opacity = 0.6 

            await  realTimeMap.movePoint(coordinates[pas].ToArray(),  symbol, tooltip);
            await Task.Delay(1000);
            if (run == false)


RealTimeMap movePoint() method GitHub example code

Real Time data and Geometric class

Geometric class provide functionalities for working with real-time data.

This class will be a parent class (more precisely, host class - there is no inheritance) for the geometric shapes (ex. Points), geometric map shapes appearance, geometric analisys and so one supported by RealTimeMap.

Points class

The Points class is hosted by the Geometric class.

This class will work with RealTimeMap points. The points displayed in the map will be defined by the StreamPoint class, whose structure is predefined but which can be extended (value property is of type object).

Also, this class will provide methods to control the display of points (Appearance()), analysis (points collection) and so one.


Class has the following structure:

   public interface IStreamPoint
        public Guid guid { get; set; }              //globally unique identifier
        public DateTime timestamp { get; set; }     //Date and Time
        public double latitude { get; set; }        //EPSG latitude coordionate
        public double longitude { get; set; }       //EPSG longitude coordionate
        public string type { get; set; }            //StreamPoint type
        public object value { get; set; }           //StreamPoint value (object)

latitude and longitude properties are Web Mercator coordinate values.

The value property can be string or object defined by customn Data Structure Class.

Working with Points collection

Upload points collection

        if(realTimeMap !=null)
            await realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.upload(points, true);

where, the last parameter is newCollection:

  • if it's missing, it means it's false. That is, the previous collection is kept;

         if(realTimeMap !=null)
             await realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.upload(points);
  • if it's true, a new collection will be created;

Add point(s) to collection

The class provides the following methods:

  • Add single points

    Geometric.Points.add(StreamPoint point);
  • Add more points

    Geometric.Points.add(StreamPoint[] point);

The changeExtentWhenAddPoints property of the Geometric.Points class allows changing or not the current view of the map at the same time as add one or more points:

realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.changeExtentWhenAddPoints = true;


realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.changeExtentWhenAddPoints = false;

Default value for changeExtentWhenAddPoints is true.

Delete point(s) from collection

Delete all points from Geometric.Points:

        await realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.delete(); //delete all points from Geometric.Points

Delete single points from Geometric.Points:

        await realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.delete("15366d7f-0689-4b8e-a2ee-29e5cb27f76e"); //delete point by guid

Delete multiple points from Geometric.Points:

    string[] ids = new string[2] {  "15366d7f-0689-4b8e-a2ee-28e5cb22f26e",
                                    "46246d6f-0684-4b8e-a2ee-26e2cb28f86f" };
        await realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.delete(ids); //delete points by guid

Moving point(s) on the map

Moving single point from Geometric.Points

    var point = new RealTimeMap.StreamPoint()
            latitude = 44.4504845,
            longitude = 26.1128922,
            guid = Guid.Parse("15366d7f-0689-4b8e-a2ee-29e5cb27f76e") //existing guide in the Geometric.Points collection 
    if (realTimeMap != null)
        await realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.moveTo(point);

during the move you cannot change the attributes (type, value, timestamp)

Moving multiple points from Geometric.Points

    var point = new RealTimeMap.StreamPoint()
            latitude = 44.4504845,
            longitude = 26.1128922,
            guid = Guid.Parse("15366d7f-0689-4b8e-a2ee-29e5cb27f76e") //existing guide in the Geometric.Points collection

    if (realTimeMap != null)
        await realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.moveTo(points.ToArray());

during the move you cannot change the attributes (type, value, timestamp). A warning will appear in the console

The changeExtentWhenMovingPoints property of the Geometric.Points class allows changing or not the current view of the map at the same time as moving the points:

realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.changeExtentWhenMovingPoints = false; //the current view will be static


realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.changeExtentWhenMovingPoints = true; //the current view will be expanded to display all the moving points

Default value for changeExtentWhenAddPoints is true.

update() method

The update() method on Geometric.Points allows updating attributes (without location):

  • type property;
  • timestamp property;
  • value property;

The value property of StreamPoint allows you to set string, number or custom object.

Code example:

   //StreamPoint to be updated
   var point = new RealTimeMap.StreamPoint()
            guid = Guid.Parse("28466d7f-0689-4b8e-a2ee-28e5cb27f86f"),  //existing guide
            type = "intervention crew 2",                               //new type
            value = new Attributes() { 
                                        registrationNumber = "B 28 AAB", //new registration number 
                                        vehicleType = "5 seats"          //new vechicle type

    if (realTimeMap != null)
        //update properties value (attributes)
        await realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.update(point);
        //check the update
        var result = realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.getItems(item => item.guid == Guid.Parse("28466d7f-0689-4b8e-a2ee-28e5cb27f86f"));

Once the StreamPoint properties have been updated, the Appearance and/or AppearanceOnType will also updated:

StreamPoint Appearance type Description
rendering symbol of StreamPoint collection in the RealTimeMap
zoom levels min. and max. levels between which StreamPoint collection are displayed on the map. Working only with AppearanceOnType() method
tooltips text info displayed on the StreamPoint

Getting points from the RealTimeMap

  • Get all stream points

      //return List<StreamPoint> from Geometric.Points
  • Get the points that match a criteria

      //return IEnumerable<StreamPoint> from Geometric.Points
      Geometric.Points.getItems(item=>item.timestamp == DateTime.Now); 

Working with Geometric.Points collection - code example

Appearance of StreamPoint collection

The Appearance of the points displayed in RealTimeMap, refers to:

Appearance type What it is?
rendering configuring display symbol of StreamPoint collection in the RealTimeMap
zoom levels min. and max. levels between which StreamPoint collection are displayed on the map
tooltips text info displayed on the StreamPoint

Appearance render - configuring display symbol

Change appearance of all points from points collection

realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Appearance(item => true).pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointSymbol() { 
                                                                                                    radius = 8,    
                                                                                                    color = "gray", 
                                                                                                    opacity = 0.68, 
                                                                                                    fillColor = "gray", 
                                                                                                    weight = 4, 
                                                                                                    fillOpacity = 0.68 

...or much more simple:

realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Appearance().pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointSymbol()
    color = "green",
    fillColor = "green",
    fillOpacity = 0.5,
    radius = 10

You can use predicate of Appearance method to filter points

realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Appearance(item => item.type == "points of type 1").pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointSymbol() { 
                                                                                                                            radius = 16,    
                                                                                                                            color = "rgb(200,100,0)", 
                                                                                                                            opacity = 0.68, 
                                                                                                                            fillColor = "red", 
                                                                                                                            weight = 4, 
                                                                                                                            fillOpacity = 0.68 

The appearance of the points is preserved in the map view. To reset the stored appearance, the Appearance method provide reset boolean parameter:

realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Appearance(item=>item.type=="emergency vehicles", true).pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointSymbol()
    color = "blue",
    fillColor = "blue",
    fillOpacity = 0.5,
    radius = 10

Working with Geometric.Points Appearance

Configuring points Appearance render based on custom attributes

The value property of the StreamPoint object allows to use custom attributes. These custom attributes can be used for various purposes. The Appearance of the points in the map can be configured based on the custom attributes defined on the StreamPoint value property:

Appearance render of points based on custom attributes

...more about Appearance render

Appearance zoom levels - configuring zoom levels between are displayed

In addition, the pattern property of the AppearanceOnType() method accepts the configuration of the scales (min, max) between which the points on the map are displayed:

       realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.AppearanceOnType(item => item.type == "intervention crew").pattern = new RealTimeMap.VisibilityZoomLevel()
           maxZoomLevel = 18,
           minZoomLevel = 15

AppearanceOnType example code

Appearance tooltips - configuring StreamPoint tooltip

Tooltips can be associated with StreamPoint collection displayed on the map (map items). Tooltips can be configured using both AppearanceOnType() and Appearance() methodes and the pattern property: The definition of the tooltip is done using the class PointTooltip:

Using AppearanceOnType() method:

realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.AppearanceOnType(item => item.type == "intervention vehicle").pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointTooltip()
        content = "<h6>${value}</h6>${type}</br>${guid}",
        opacity = 0.8,
        permanent = true

or using Appearance() method:

realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Appearance(item => item.value == "B 42 DCI").pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointTooltip()
        content = "<h6>${value}</h6>${type}</br>${guid}",
        opacity = 0.8,
        permanent = false


  1. content - can be a string, html components or JavaScript string template without "`" (without the intended JavaScript string template character);
    • value is current StreamPoint value property;
    • type is current StreamPoint type property;
    • guid is current StreamPoint guid property;
  2. opacity - the opacity of the tooltip displayed in the map;
  3. pemanent - true - the display is permanent, false - the display is done when the mouse passes over the point;

Also, the Appearance() and AppearanceOnType() methods can be used without predicate conditions:

For example:

realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Appearance().pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointTooltip()
        content = "<h6>${value}</h6>${type}</br>${guid}",
        opacity = 0.8,
        permanent = false

in this case, the tooltips will be displayed for all elements in the map.

Configuring tooltips based on custom attributes

The value property of the StreamPoint object allows to use custom attributes. These custom attributes can be used for various purposes. The pattern property allows the use of custom attributes defined for StreamPoint to configuring RealTimeMap items tooltips. For more details, you can access the following examples:

Configuring StreamPoint Tooltips with custom attributes - example code

Configuring StreamPoint Tooltips with hierarchical custom attributes - example code

Code Example

Code example for Points collection.

Add in _Imports.razor project file

    @using LeafletForBlazor

Blazor Page:


Blazor code block:

Reference to RealTimeMap control (from Blazor Page):
    @code {
        RealTimeMap? realTimeMap;	//reference to control
Stream points collection
   List<RealTimeMap.StreamPoint> points = new List<RealTimeMap.StreamPoint> {
            new RealTimeMap.StreamPoint()
                guid = Guid.Parse("15366d7f-0689-4b8e-a2ee-29e5cb27f76e"),
                latitude = 44.4502578,
                longitude = 26.1108199,
                type = "type 1",
                value = "a point-specific value",

latitude and longitude properties are Web Mercator coordinate values.

In this previous, the value property is of string type

If the timestamp is missing, LeafletForBlazor will assign the current date

This collection has a static behavior.

Geometric class for displaying different static shapes

Add GeoJSON data to RealTimeMap

The DataFromGeoJSON class offers the possibility of adding data (GeoJSON format) to the RealTimeMap control.

This class is hosted by the Geometric class. This class allows adding spatial data from GeoJSON formats.

Two formats are used, both complying with: GeoJSON specification (RFC 7946).

Add from object

DataFromGeoJSON provides addObject() method:

This method allows adding GeoJSON data programmatically, using custom classes (according to GeoJSON specification (RFC 7946))

  1. The first format is an array that exactly respects the format GeoJSON specification (RFC 7946)

Working with GeoJSON Array - documentation and example

  1. And another JSON format, which for the "data" property we have the same array GeoJSON specification (RFC 7946). In addition, this format accepts customization of symbolization, tooltips, etc

     <RealTimeMap OnAfterMapLoaded="@OnAfterMapLoaded" width="460px" height="462px" />
         public async Task OnAfterMapLoaded(RealTimeMap.MapEventArgs args)
             await args.sender.Geometric.DataFromGeoJSON.addObject(geojsonObject);

Working with GeoJSON Object - documentation and example

For more information:

RTM and GeoJSON documentation and example

Add from file(s)

DataFromGeoJSON provides addFromFiles() method:

   await args.sender.Geometric.DataFromGeoJSON.addFromFiles(new string[1] 

more about data form files

Both for objects added with addObject() and the content of files added with addFromFiles(), we have the following properties:

  1. for graphic (circleMarker) symbol:
Property Type Descriotion
radius int circle radius
fillColor string fill color of circle
fillOpacity double fill opacity of circle
color string margin (line) color of cricle
opacity double margin (line) opacity
weight int margin (line) weight

similar with leaflet documentation

  1. for icon symbol:
Property Type Descriotion
iconUrl string url of image icon
iconSize int[2] screen pixels of icon dimension
iconAnchor int[2] screen pixels of icon anchor
popupAnchor int[2] screen pixels of popup anchor
shadowUrl string screen pixels of shadow icon anchor
shadowSize int[2] screen pixels of shadow icon dimension
shadowAnchor int[2] url of shadow icon

similar with leaflet documentation

  1. symbol for polygon shape:
Property Type Descriotion
fillColor string fill color of shape
fillOpacity double fill opacity of shape
color string margin (line) color of shape
opacity double margin (line) opacity
weight int margin (line) weight

similar with leaflet documentation

  1. symbol for polyline shape:
Property Type Descriotion
color string color of line
opacity double opacity of line
weight int weight of line

similar with leaflet documentation


Appearance and switch cases

You can create distinct symbolization classes based on the properties of GeoJSON file items. How appearance can be customized by defining distinct classes?

It can be done using a JSON switch object of appearance item:

    switch:   {
                  "fieldName": "name",  //field name of item properties 
                  "cases": []           //value: {}
                  "default": {}         //symbol,
    "visibilityZoomLevels": {
                              "minZoomLevel": 12,
                              "maxZoomLevel": 16


What is the structure of a cases array item?

"<property value>": {
                    "color": "green",
                    "opacity": 0.6,
                    "weight": 8

Example code

      "name": "Streets",
      "data": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "geometry": {
            "type": "Polyline",
            "coordinates": [
                [ 44.44586931032441, 26.097146294088674 ],
                [ 44.44567571771458, 26.096377445586192 ],
                [ 44.44557322665131, 26.096160510467932 ],
                [ 44.44542518267126, 26.09578087503316 ]
          "properties": {
            "name": "Biserica Amzei"
      "appearance": {
        "switch": {
          "fieldName": "name",
          "cases": [
              "Biserica Amzei": {
                "color": "green",
                "opacity": 0.6,
                "weight": 8
          "default": {
                        "color": "gray",
                        "opacity": 0.6,
                        "weight": 8
         "visibilityZoomLevels": {
                                      "minZoomLevel": 12,
                                      "maxZoomLevel": 16

Custom tooltip

You can display customized tooltips based on the attributes stored in the files:

"tooltip": {
    "content": "<b>${name}</b><br/><i><font size='4' face='verdana' color='blue' >${description}</font></i><br/><img width='100%' height='100%' src = '${url}'></img>",
    "opacity": 0.8,
    "visibilityZoomLevels": {
          "minZoomLevel": 15,
          "maxZoomLevel": 18


more about configuring appearance and tooltips form files

DisplayPolygonsFromArray class

DisplayPolygonsFromArray is a new class that allows displaying polygons starting from point arrays. This class allows the display of simple polygons or polygons with several rings.

Display of simple polygons (single ring):

await realTimeMap.Geometric.DisplayPolygonsFromArray.add(new List<double[]>
        new double[] { 43.97209871008421, 25.328761772135064 },
        new double[] { 43.972004589576606, 25.329119019038004},

Display polygons with multiple rings:

await realTimeMap.Geometric.DisplayPolygonsFromArray.add(
    new List<List<double[]>>()
            new List<double[]>()
                new double[] { 43.97210330030072, 25.32749864474909 },
    new List<double[]>()
                new double[] { 43.972004589576606, 25.329119019038004},

Also, the add() method allows customizing the symbolization of the displayed polygons:

       await realTimeMap.Geometric.DisplayPolygonsFromArray.add(new List<double[]>
                new double[] { 43.97209871008421, 25.328761772135064 },
                new double[] { 43.972004589576606, 25.329119019038004},
         new RealTimeMap.PolygonSymbol()
                color = "yellow",
                fillColor = "orange",
                weight = 4,
                opacity = 0.4,
                fillOpacity = 0.4

In the future, this class will be used only for displaying polygons.


The DisplayPointsFromArray class hosted by the Geometric class allows displaying static points using coordinate arrays (new double[2]{}) as input data:

await realTimeMap.Geometric.DisplayPointsFromArray.addPoint(
        new double[2] { 43.97248976827578, 25.326675905214792 });

or customizing the appearance of the point dispalayed in the map:

await realTimeMap.Geometric.DisplayPointsFromArray.addPoint(
        new double[2] { 43.97248976827578, 25.326675905214792 }, 
        new RealTimeMap.PointSymbol()
            color = "yellow",
            fillColor = "yellow",
            opacity = 0.8,
            fillOpacity = 0,
            radius = 12,
            weight = 2

Obsolete methods

The add() method for adding points is obsolete/deprecated. The add() method is replaced by the addPoint() method.

The deleteAll() method for deleting points is obsolete/deprecated. The deleteAllPoints() method is replaced by the deleteAll() method:

await realTimeMap.Geometric.DisplayPointsFromArray.deleteAllPoints();

addLabel() method

The addLabel() method on the DisplayPointsFromArray class will allow you to display a text in the map:

await realTimeMap.Geometric.DisplayPointsFromArray.addLabel( new RealTimeMap.LabelInfo()
        coordinates = new double[2] { 43.97248976827578, 25.326675905214792 },
        textAnchor = new double[2] { 0, 16 },
        text = "text displayed on the map",
        labelStyle = "min-width:40px;height:100%;background-color:#920202;border-radius:6px;color:white;text-align:center;font-size:11px;opacity:0.6"

The labelStyle property allows you to formating label displayed in the map.


The DisplayPolylinesFromArray class hosted by the Geometric class, allows you to display measurement lines with addMeasure() method:

        await realTimeMap.Geometric.DisplayPolylinesFromArray.addMeasure(
                                                            new RealTimeMap.MeasureLine()
                                                                start = new double[2] { 43.971312524467095, 25.328505256329578},    //start point of measure line
                                                                end = new double[2] { 43.970933062429864, 25.329087513345627},      //end point of measure line
                                                                text = "20 meters",
                                                                textAnchor = new double[2] {- 2, 8 },                               //the anchor point (text) from the middle of the line 
                                                                labelStyle = "min-width:40px;height:100%;background-color:#084886;border-radius:6px;color:#d2efff;text-align:center;font-size:10px;"


RealTimeMap components


StreamLegend is a beta component (starting with that allows the display of symbols applied through the Appearance() method. This component displays only the symbols of the StreamPoint elements added on the RealTime.Geometric.Points class.

  1. Add the LeafletForBlazor namespace to the project, using the @using directive

For this, add

    @using LeafletForBlazor.Components

in the _Imports.razor file of the project.

  1. In the Blazor page, add StreamLegend as RealTimeMap child:

     <RealTimeMap height="88vh" width="80hw">

Geometric.Computations class

The Geometric.Computations class will provide a set of functions various geometric calculations.

Distance calculation

Computing distance distance between two points:

  • working with double values:

    Geometric.Computations.distance(double latitudeOfPoint1, double longitudeOfPoint1, double latitudeOfPoint2, double longitudeOfPoint2, UnitOfMeasure unitOfMeasure);
  • working with double array:

    Geometric.Computations.distance(double[2] coordinate1, double[2] coordinate2, UnitOfMeasure unitOfMeasure);
  • working with StreamPoint(s):

    Geometric.Computations.distance(StreamPoint point1, StreamPoint point2, UnitOfMeasure unitOfMeasure);

Code example:

Console.WriteLine(realTimeMap.Geometric.Computations.distance(pct1, pct6, RealTimeMap.UnitOfMeasure.meters))

Searching points on click, distance() condition example

In order to be able to find the points in the neighborhood of a point (click on the map), you can use Geometric.Points.getItems() with predicate distance condition

Blazor page:

<RealTimeMap height="620px" width="820px" OnClickMap="onClickingMap"></RealTimeMap>

Code block:

     public  void onClickingMap(RealTimeMap.ClicksMapArgs value)
            List<RealTimeMap.StreamPoint> findedPoints = new List<RealTimeMap.StreamPoint>();
                findedPoints = (value.sender as RealTimeMap).Geometric.Points.getItems(point => (value.sender as RealTimeMap).Geometric.Computations.distance(
                    new RealTimeMap.StreamPoint() { latitude = value.location.latitude, longitude = value.location.longitude }, 
                    ) <= 10

Tracking and Monitoring points position

RealTimeMap will provide the necessary tools for monitoring, tracking and analyzing shapes (ex. points position) in motion. These tools will be able to be integrated in the final IoT applications (possible integration with Arduino and/or Raspberry pi).

LeafletForBlazorTracking GitHub repository

Nearby Points Analysis

You can get the nearby points.

The configuration of nearby points analysis is done by:

public class NearbyAnalysis
    public double threshold { get; set; } = 0; // > 0
    public UnitOfMeasure unit { get; set; } =   UnitOfMeasure.meters; // UnitOfMeasure.kilometers | UnitOfMeasure.miles | UnitOfMeasure.nauticalMiles | UnitOfMeasure.feets 

...and filtering the points subject to analysis:

realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Analysis(item => item.value == "alpha crew")

Obtaining the points that meet the nearby points condition (threshold) is done using the event method:

analysis.OnNearbyThresholdFired += onNearbyThresholdTrigger;

public async void onNearbyThresholdTrigger(object sender, RealTimeMap.NearbyThresholdArgs args)


Closing the nearby points condition will trigger the method:

analysis.OnNearbyThresholdClosed += nearbyThresholdTriggerClosed;

public async void nearbyThresholdTriggerClosed(object sender)

Code Example

Add using LeafletForBlazor reference into _Imports.razor

@using LeafletForBlazor

Add Blazor control in your page:

<RealTimeMap @ref="realTimeMap" height="800px" width="800px"></RealTimeMap>

Define block clode block and declare RealTimeMap object:

    RealTimeMap? realTimeMap;

Upload List data into RealTimeMap:

public async Task upload()
        await realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.upload(new InputData().input);

Change the default appearance (Geometric.Points.Appearance()) of the points displayed on the map:

public async Task upload()
        await realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.upload(new InputData().input);
    //change points appearance
    if(realTimeMap !=null)
        realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Appearance(item => item.type == "emergency vehicles").pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointSymbol()
                color = "green",
                fillColor = "green",
                fillOpacity = 0.5,
                radius = 10
        realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Appearance(item => item.type == "ambulance").pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointSymbol()
            color = "blue",
            fillColor = "blue",
            fillOpacity = 0.5,
            radius = 10

Set up nearby point analysis. The threshold value can be given in various units of measure:

        var analysis = realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Analysis(item => true);
        analysis.nearby = new RealTimeMap.NearbyAnalysis()
                threshold = 0.2,

If the unit of measure (unit) is missing, it will be in meters.

add into upload() method

Define the methods that will be triggered when the condition NearbyAnalysis() is reached

analysis.OnNearbyThresholdFired += onNearbyThresholdTrigger;
analysis.OnNearbyThresholdClosed += nearbyThresholdTriggerClosed;

add into upload() method

Define onNearbyThresholdTrigger and nearbyThresholdTriggerClosed methods:


public void onNearbyThresholdTrigger(object sender, RealTimeMap.NearbyThresholdArgs args)



public void nearbyThresholdTriggerClosed(object sender)


Use the onNearbyThresholdTrigger method to change the appearance or display nearby points:

public void onNearbyThresholdTrigger(object sender, RealTimeMap.NearbyThresholdArgs args)
    foreach(var item in args.tuples)
        var guid = item.tuple.Item1.guid;
        realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Appearance(item => item.guid == guid).pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointSymbol()
                color = "red",
                fillColor = "red",
                fillOpacity = 0.5,
                radius = 10

Use the nearbyThresholdTriggerClosed method to return to the initial appearance of the points. Careful! Appearance must contain the parameter reset = true . Appearance(predicate, reset):

public  void nearbyThresholdTriggerClosed(object sender)
    realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Appearance(item => item.type == "anti-terrorist vehicles", true).pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointSymbol()
            color = "green",
            fillColor = "green",
            fillOpacity = 0.5,
            radius = 10
    realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.Appearance(item => item.type == "ambulance", true).pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointSymbol()
            color = "blue",
            fillColor = "blue",
            fillOpacity = 0.5,
            radius = 10


Thank you for choosing this package!

Laurentiu Ichim


LeafletForBlazor NuGet Package - You can quickly add a map component to your Blazor application - version. #12 issue, StreamLegend customization







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