This is a MATLAB implementation to read OpenStreetMap (OSM) files and extract building and road data from them as data tables. It consists of several functions that parse the OSM file and create a MATLAB data structure of the file contents.
This function loads an OSM XML data file and returns a MATLAB data structure of the parsed file.
filename: String of the OSM XML Data file name. The file extension could be .osm or .xml.
struc: MATLAB data structure of the parsed OpenStreetMap file.
This function extracts the nodes data from the struct created by osm_to_struct and returns a MATLAB data table of the nodes in the OpenStreetMap file containing the following columns: id, lat, and lon.
struc: MATLAB data structure of the parsed OpenStreetMap file.
nodes: MATLAB data table of the nodes in the OpenStreetMap file containing the following columns: id, lat, and lon.
id | lat | lon |
29052337 | 55.033 | 82.973 |
This function extracts the ways data from the struct created by osm_to_struct and returns a MATLAB data table of the ways in the OpenStreetMap file containing the following columns: id, timestamp, node_ids, and tags.
struc: MATLAB data structure of the parsed OpenStreetMap file.
ways: MATLAB data table of the ways in the OpenStreetMap file containing the following columns: id, timestamp, node_ids, and tags.
id | timestamp | node_ids | tags |
29052337 | 03-May-2013 | struct array | struct array |
This function extracts the bounding box from the struct created by osm_to_struct and returns a MATLAB polyshape structure that defines the boundary of the map.
struc: MATLAB data structure of the parsed OpenStreetMap file.
bounding_box: MATLAB polyshape structure that defines the boundary of the map.
This function removes ways that do not have associated tags from the ways data table returned by get_ways.
ways: MATLAB data table of ways from the parsed OpenStreetMap file containing the following columns: id, timestamp, node_ids, and tags.
cleaned_ways: MATLAB data table of the ways in the OpenStreetMap file containing the following columns: id, timestamp, node_ids, and tags.
This function classifies the ways by adding primary and secondary categories such as building or highway.
ways: MATLAB data table of ways from the parsed OpenStreetMap file containing the following columns: id, timestamp, node_ids, and tags.
id | timestamp | node_ids | tags | primary_category | secondary_category |
29052337 | 03-May-2013 | struct array | struct array | "highway" | "tertiary" |
classified_ways: MATLAB data table of ways from the parsed OpenStreetMap file containing the following columns: id, timestamp, node_ids, tags, primary_category, and secondary_category.
This function builds the geographical shapes from the ways table based on the primary category.
classified_ways: MATLAB data table of ways from the parsed OpenStreetMap file containing the following columns: id, timestamp, node_ids, tags, primary_category, and secondary_category.
nodes: MATLAB data table of the nodes in the OpenStreetMap file containing the following columns: id, lat, and lon.
shaped_ways: classified_ways table with an additional column that contains the geo shape.
id | timestamp | node_ids | tags | primary_category | secondary_category | shapes |
29052337 | 03-May-2013 | struct array | struct array | "building" | "school" | geopolyshape |
This function filters the ways table based on the primary category.
classified_ways: MATLAB data table of ways from the parsed OpenStreetMap file containing the following columns: id, timestamp, node_ids, tags, primary_category, and secondary_category.
category: The category to filter such as building or highway.
category_table: Filtered classified_ways table.
Here is a basic example that demonstrates how to plot buildings using the osm_to_struct, get_ways, clean_ways, classify_ways, build_geo_shapes, and filter_by_category functions:
% Load OSM file
osm_file = 'example.osm';
struc = osm_to_struct(osm_file);
% Extract ways and filter by building category
ways = get_ways(struc);
ways = clean_ways(ways);
classified_ways = classify_ways(ways);
buildings = filter_by_category(classified_ways, 'building');
% Get nodes and build geo shapes
nodes = get_nodes(struc);
shaped_buildings = build_geo_shapes(buildings, nodes);
% Plot buildings
We can change the example above to shows the buildings with different colors based on their heights
% Load OSM file
osm_file = 'example.osm';
struc = osm_to_struct(osm_file);
% Extract ways and filter by building category
ways = get_ways(struc);
ways = clean_ways(ways);
classified_ways = classify_ways(ways);
buildings = filter_by_category(classified_ways, 'building');
% Get nodes and build geo shapes
nodes = get_nodes(struc);
shaped_buildings = build_geo_shapes(buildings, nodes);
% Get building heights
heights = zeros(1, height(buildings));
for i = 1:(height(buildings))
building = buildings(i,:);
tags = building.tags{1};
tags_table = struct2table(tags);
tmp = tags_table(tags_table.kAttribute == 'height', :);
if height(tmp) == 1
heights(i) = str2double(tmp.vAttribute{1});
tmp = tags_table(tags_table.kAttribute == "building:levels", :);
if height(tmp) == 1
heights(i) = str2double(tmp.vAttribute{1})*3;
heights(i) = 1;
% Plot buildings in different colors based on their heights
geoplot(shaped_buildings.shapes, ColorData=heights);
The code is released under the MIT License.