ibexa/commerce v4.0.0 change log
See https://github.com/ibexa/experience/releases/tag/v4.0.0 for changelogs from further packages.
Changes since v3.3.0
Changes between ezsystems/ezcommerce-admin-ui v1.2.0 and ibexa/commerce-admin-ui v4.0.0
- EC-373: Hidden Commerce menu elements if commerce is disabled (#80)
- IBX-1097: Change properties for reusable Dropdown widget (#108)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#113)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#88)
- IBX-268: Redesign buttons for 4.0 (#85)
- IBX-395: Updated code to Bootstrap 5 (#95)
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#86)
- IBX-492: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned tables (#99)
- IBX-497: Redesign tabs for 4.0 (#91)
- IBX-612: Input field (ibexa-input--text) with ibexa-label redesign (#94)
- IBX-613: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned dropdown field (multi-select) in all states (#96)
- IBX-615: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned checkbox and radio buttons in all states (#92)
- IBX-809: Redesigned dashbaord (#97)
- IBX-836: Redesigned headers (#98)
- IBX-900: Adjust commerce user creation locators (#104)
- IBX-901: Redesign ez-alert (now ibexa-alert) for 4.0 (#101)
- IBX-908: Redesigned ezspecifications (#103)
- IBX-909: Redesigned ezvariants (#102)
- IBX-1543: Replaced deprecated twig functions (#13)
- IBX-1488: Redesign commerce dashboard (#10)
- IBX-1528: Redesigned modals (#16)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/commerce-admin-ui to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Align code to latest standards
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1334: Cleanup rebranded ibexa/commerce-admin-ui code (#20)
- IBX-1672: Redesign order management view (#19)
- IBX-1707: Redesign Price and Stock Management to Shipping Management (#24)
- IBX-1674: Empty select option for dropdown (#21)
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#23)
- IBX-1437: Removed ecommerce control center
- IBX-1853: Changed services names to FQCN or rebranded ones (#31)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-admin-ui repository (#33)
- IBX-2007: Rebranded REST media-type names (#35)
- IBX-2061: Rebranded REST route prefix in ibexa/commerce-admin-ui repository (#36)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#40)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#41)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#42)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#44)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded leftover parameters
- EC-278: [Order confirmation] close button is not aligned properly (#65)
- EC-334: [User overview] charts are not properly displayed (#75)
- EC-345: [Footer] expanded sections hover over footer (#74)
- EC-349: [Cockpit] Charts and other page elements are not properly displayed (#76)
- EC-374: Dropped base_theme theme (#78)
- EZEE-3473: Removed unused configResolver argument from controller definition (#79)
- EZEE-3473: Used event to change siteaccess instead of replacing service in container (#77)
- EZEE-3491: Fixed syntax after merge up
- EZEE-3491: Replaced Entity Manager use with sitaccess aware EM (#82)
- IBX-1018: Uncaught TypeError Cannot read property 'querySelectorAll' of null at Dropdown.init (#105)
- IBX-1039: Fixed dashboard table (#111)
- IBX-1049: Fixed specification label selector (#106)- IBX-1264: Dropdowns are not clickable / do not expand in backoffice (#118)
- IBX-1286: Tables template XSS vulnerability - default |raw (#119)
- IBX-252: Private user bug (#84)
- IBX-424: User addresses contains incorrect data in field country code (#87)
- IBX-773: Fix tab design in commerce cockpit (#100)
- IBX-940: Dropdown in tab is partly hidden (#107)
- IBX-1252: [Rebranding] Used new bundle name (#11)
- IBX-1742: Dropdown not working in Shipping Management (#26)
- IBX-1789: Fix Shipping Management page 500 error, by the way: fix inputs (#27)
- IBX-1801: Added container in shipping management view (#28)
- IBX-1747: Fixed styling issues in order management (#37)
- IBX-1746: Fixed dropdowns in dashboard (#39)
Changes between ezsystems/ezcommerce-erp-admin v3.3.0 and ibexa/commerce-erp-admin v4.0.0
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#30)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#35)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#31)
- IBX-1589: Renamed Extension siso_admin_erp to ibexa_commerce_erp_admin (#8)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/commerce-erp-admin to use new namespaces
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#41)
- IBX-1853: Changed services names to FQCN or rebranded ones (#10)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces and services names (#11)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#12)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#13)
- IBX-1734: Added PR assigner workflow (#42)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#15)
Changes between ezsystems/ezcommerce-order-history v3.3.0 and ibexa/commerce-order-history v4.0.0
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#27)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#28)
- IBX-1543: Replaced deprecated twig functions (#4)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/commerce-order-history to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#32)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#10)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-order-history repository (#11)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces and services names (#13)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#14)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#15)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in comments (#16)
- IBX-1734: Added PR assigner workflow (#33)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#18)
- EC-223: Added explicit service dependency from base controller (#20)
- EC-223: Used DI in OrderHistoryBundle to fix type errors (#18)
- EC-374: Dropped base_theme theme (#22)
- EC-403: Fixed extended pagelayout filename (#25)
- EZEE-3472: Added possibility to see order history for private customers that are not in ERP (#21)
- EZEE-3472: Fixed wrong template location and inheritance (#19)
Changes between ezsystems/ezcommerce-page-builder v1.2.0 and ibexa/commerce-page-builder v4.0.0
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#18)
- IBX-1259: As an Editor, I want to have redesigned config forms in Page Builder (#20)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#16)
- IBX-268: Redesign buttons for 4.0 (#14)
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#15)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/commerce-page-builder to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#11)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#13)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#14)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-page-builder repository (#16)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in code (#18)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#19)
Changes between ezsystems/ezcommerce-transaction v1.0.0 and ibexa/commerce-transaction v4.0.0
- EC-373: Hidden Commerce menu elements if commerce is disabled (#17)
- EZEE-3249: Wishlist (#11)
- EZEE-3339: Quick order (#19)
- EZEE-3485: Extended expected param declaration to match implementation (#14)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#36)
- IBX-126: comparison (#20)
- IBX-127: rewrite stored basket (#21)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#27)
- IBX-268: Redesign buttons for 4.0 (#25)
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#26)
- IBX-880: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned Page Builder edit mode (#31)
- IBX-1543: Replaced deprecated twig functions (#7)
- IBX-1589: Renamed Symfony Extensions to follow Ibexa naming convention (#11)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/commerce-transaction to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Align code to latest standards
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1543: Replaced ses_config_parameter (#13)
- IBX-1334: Cleanup rebranded ibexa/commerce-transaction code (#16)
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#17)
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#42)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#19)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#22)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-transaction repository (#23)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-transaction repository (#25)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-transaction repository (#26)
- IBX-1210: Rebranded @ezdesign ibexa/commerce-transaction repository (#28)
- IBX-1696: Removed class parameters from ibexa/commerce-transaction repository (#29)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#30)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#31)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in code (#32)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#33)
- EC-226: Fixed usage of httpOnly cookies for determining session identifier (#12)
- EC-338: Fixed constructor arguments to allow display invoice (#6)
- EC-360: [User management] Cannot change my account settings because an exception occur (#32)
- EC-374: Dropped base_theme (#15)
- EC-379: InvoiceController uses injected InvoiceService (#10)
- EC-384: Remove old templates (#16)
- EC-405: Each specification header is linked (#22)
- EZEE-3473: Used event to change siteaccess instead of replacing service in container (#9)
- EZEE-3491: Added entity mappings for ORM (#23)
- EZEE-3494: Dropped usages of demo Content Types configuration (#13)
- IBX-1262: Fixed "Export Orders" when list is paginated
- IBX-282: Fixed path to accordion and added initialize function do stored basket (#24)
- IBX-521: Fix ibexa_icon_path in front-office twigs (#28)
- IBX-821: Fixed
being used instead of Repository-awareibexa.doctrine.orm.entity_manager
(#29) - IBX-849: Fixed getSessionData action initialization (#34)
- IBX-1252: [Rebranding] Used new bundle name (#6)
ibexa/commerce-rest v4.0.0
New repository.