Provide valuable informations for users to find the best Canada National Park for their next trip.
A website which provide valuable informations for all national parks in Canada. Users could easily compare different parks and know which one is the best for them in their next vacation. There are 46 parks out there, some of them you may never heard. We believe all parks have their own beauty and will bring amazing experiences for Canadians, it is valuable to make all the national parks be considered when our users are planning for their next trips.
- Public sign in / sign up, forget password, social platform login. - BAO
- Search by all contents / users / parks / comments- BAO
- Rate and Vote parks - BAO
- Foorprint & POST - Irfaan
- Wishlist management - Irfaan
- Users' profile settings - Irfaan
- Email subscribe - Duc
- Admin users group and privilege - Duc
- Users activity statistics - Duc
- Compare parks - Sam
- Admin parks - Sam
- Select parks - Sam
- Park Gallery - Navpreet
- Parks combo - Navpreet
- Related Info, weather - Navpreet
- Input validation library - team
PHP, Mysql, Apache, Bootstrap, jQuery, React
Irfaan, Duc, Sam, Navpreet, BAO