Here you can find lecture slides as well as source code and solutions to hands on.
The Docker image with all the dependencies is locted at:
To run the image, install Docker and run command:
[sudo] docker run -p 8000:8000 issuds/jphub python3 -m jupyterhub
and go to localhost:8000. You should see the login page of Jupyter Hub.
Use login user
and password pass0123
By default, all changes are stored inside the Docker container. In order to access the
result of your work from outside the container, mount some host folder to the folder in
Docker container. For example, assuming that you have a folder /home/ubuntu/persistent
on your host machine, you can run container with such folder mounted to the user folder
in container using:
[sudo] docker run -v /home/ubuntu/persistent:/home/user/persistent -p 8000:8000 issuds/jphub python3 -m jupyterhub
Any changes that you make to persistent
folder will be saved outside the container.