MedPal is a start-up project that aims to reduce the workload of medical workers by reminding patients to take their medications at set times. This web application works in conjuction with a drug dispenser to dispense medicines at specific times and give instructions on how to take them. The frontend and backend was iimplemeneted using Next.js, and PostgreSQL was used as the database to store patient information and medicine schedules.
- Login Page: User can login using their patient ID (e.g., P006), and medical workers can register new patient and edit their information here
- Home Page: This is where the drug schedule along with their information and instruction is shown. A sidebar can be opened to navigate to different pages
- Medicine Information Page: User can see the list of all medicines and add, remove, or edit medicines
- Patient Information Page: User's information is shown here
- Medicine History Page: A log of medicine intake is shown here
- Alarm Page: At scheduled times, an alarm page pops up to remind patients to take their medicine