Airbnb clone (fullstack project) Spring boot 3, Angular 17, PrimeNG, PostgreSQL, Auth0 (2024) (Backend)
Spring boot backend of the airbnb clone
The file contains my personal documentation of the learning process.
- 📅 Booking management for travelers
- 🏠 Landlord reservation management
- 🔍 Search for houses by criteria (location, date, guests, beds, etc)
- 🔐 Authentication and Authorization (Role management) with Auth0 (OAuth2)
- 🏢 Domain-driven design
- JDK 21
- PostgreSQL
- IDE (VSCode, IntelliJ)
git clone
./mvnw spring-boot:run"--AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=<client-id> --AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=<client-secret>"
Go in IntelliJ add the environment variables and then run it.