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Elsevier latex template

A to-go template for writing your paper. It uses the most updated for LaTeX template for Elsevier journals.

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Includes several optional packages and useful packages. The most important are

  • algorithm2e: A LaTeX environment for writing algorithms
  • hyperref: To include (and color) links to external websites and crossreferences
  • longtable, tabu, booktabs, multirow: To design beautiful tables
  • rotating, lscape: Rotate pages, figures, and tables
  • amssymb, amsmath, mathtools: Enable the use of heavy mathematical notation and enhances the appearance of documents containing a lot of mathematics
  • nicefrac: Draws nice looking fractions
  • inputenc: Encodes UTF-8 characters, such as ã and Ó
  • tkz-graph: To draw TikZ pictures
  • cleveref: Enhances LaTeX's cross-referencing features, allowing the format of references to be determined automatically according to the type of reference
  • setspace and xspace: To set spacing correctly within LaTeX texts

It also has several useful defined macros

  • \ie: Defines a well-spaced that is (ie)
  • \eg: Defines a well-spaced Exempli gratia (eg)
  • \theorem, \lemma, \proposition, \corollary, \conjecture, \proof, \definition, \example, \remark: To define theorem and proof environments
  • \uset, \ulst, \upar, \uioc, \uico: Defines well-spaced punctuation marks that separate parts of a sentence or mathematical expression