Releases: iAJTin/iSMBIOS
Upgrade to v3.7.0
Added support for System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) v3.7.0, includes:
* Processor Information (Type 4): - SMBIOSCR00222: Added new processor sockets - SMBIOSCR00224: Added new processor family – SMBIOSCR00225: Added new processor socket – SMBIOSCR00226: Added new processor sockets and updated link for LoongArch processor-specific data – SMBIOSCR00228: Added new processor sockets * Memory Device (Type 9): - SMBIOSCR00221: Modified CXL description and added CXL 3.0 support * Memory Device (Type 17): - SMBIOSCR00227: Added PMIC/RCD Manufacturer ID and Revision information
Library versions for this version
Library Version Description iTin.Core Base library containing various extensions, helpers, common constants iTin.Core.Hardware.Abstractions Generic Common Hardware Abstractions iTin.Core.Hardware.Common Common Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Hardware.Linux.Specification.Smbios Linux Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Hardware.MacOS.Specification.Smbios MacOS Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Hardware.Windows.Specification.Smbios Windows Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Interop.Shared Generic Shared Interop Definitions iTin.Core.Interop.Windows.Specification.Smbios Win32 Generic Interop Calls (SMBIOS) iTin.Hardware.Abstractions.Specification.Smbios Generic Common Hardware Abstractions iTin.Hardware.Specification.Dmi DMI Specification Implementation iTin.Hardware.Specification.Smbios SMBIOS Specification Implementation iTin.Hardware.Specification.Tpm TPM Specification Implementation iTin.Logging Logging library
Added support for System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) v3.6.0
Added support for System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) v3.6.0, includes:
* Processor Information (Type 4): - SMBIOSCR00214: Added new processor sockets - SMBIOSCR00215: Added processor family ID for ARMv9 – SMBIOSCR00218: Added new processor socket types – SMBIOSCR00219: Added "thread enabled" field * Memory Device (Type 17): - SMBIOSCR00220: Added HBM3 * Various: - SMBIOSCR00217: Added LoongArch processor architecture
Added support for netstandard2.1
Add SplitEnumerator ref struct.
ByteReader class rewritten to work with Span in net core projects.
Added sample project for net60
Unify calls to obtain change information from a remote or local computer, currently this functionality is only available for Windows systems,
The logic of each platform is in its own assembly iTin.Core.Hardware.Target-System.Specification.Smbios.Where:
Target-System, it can be Linux, Windows or MacOS and the platform independent logic is found in the
iTin.Hardware.Abstractions.Specification.Smbios assembly, so that from SMBIOS a call is made independent of the target platform and this
assembly has the responsibility of managing the final call to the platform destination. -
Library versions for this version
Library Version Description iTin.Core Base library containing various extensions, helpers, common constants iTin.Core.Hardware.Common Common Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Hardware.Linux.Specification.Smbios Linux Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Hardware.MacOS.Specification.Smbios MacOS Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Hardware.Windows.Specification.Smbios Windows Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Interop.Shared Generic Shared Interop Definitions iTin.Core.Interop.Windows.Specification.Smbios Win32 Generic Interop Calls (SMBIOS) iTin.Hardware.Abstractions.Specification.Smbios Generic Common Hardware Abstractions iTin.Hardware.Specification.Dmi DMI Specification Implementation iTin.Hardware.Specification.Smbios SMBIOS Specification Implementation iTin.Hardware.Specification.Tpm TPM Specification Implementation iTin.Logging Logging library
- Fixes an issue that generates an exception when a property that returns an object of type QueryPropertyDictionaryResult not available.
Added support for System Event Log structure.
Added support for System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) v3.5.0, includes:
* BIOS Information (Type 0): - SMBIOSCR00209: Added support for manufacturing mode - SMBIOSCR00210: Updated the definition of BIOS Starting Address Segment for UEFI systems * Processor Information (Type 4): - SMBIOSCR00205: Added processor socket (LGA4677) * System Slots (Type 9): - SMBIOSCR00202: Added support for slot height – SMBIOSCR00203: Errata: correct offsets * Built-in Pointing Device (Type 21): - SMBIOSCR00200: Added support for new Pointing Device interfaces * Built-in Pointing Device (Type 41): - SMBIOSCR00201: Added support for new Onboard Device Types – SMBIOSCR00204: Added note on how to describe multi-function devices * Firmware Inventory Information (Type 45, new): – SMBIOSCR00208: Added structure type for Firmware Inventory Information * String Property (Type 46, new): – SMBIOSCR00211: Added structure for string properties
Library documentation
folder in solution root. Contains a script for update help md files. -
Added support for MacOS (In progress...)
Tested on:
macOS Version macOS Monterey 12.0.1 Big Sur 11.0.1 Catalina 10.15.7
interface. ChangedValue
property name byResult
(for code clarify).This change may have implications in your final code, it is resolved by changing Value to Result
Updated result classes for support more scenaries.
Library versions for this version
Library Version Description iTin.Core Base library containing various extensions, helpers, common constants iTin.Core.Hardware.Common Common Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Hardware.Linux.Specification.Smbios Linux Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Hardware.MacOS.Specification.Smbios MacOS Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Hardware.Windows.Specification.Smbios Windows Hardware Infrastructure iTin.Core.Interop.Shared Generic Shared Interop Definitions iTin.Core.Interop.Windows.Specification.Smbios Win32 Generic Interop Calls (SMBIOS) iTin.Hardware.Abstractions.Specification.Smbios Generic Common Hardware Abstractions iTin.Hardware.Specification.Dmi DMI Specification Implementation iTin.Hardware.Specification.Smbios SMBIOS Specification Implementation iTin.Hardware.Specification.Tpm TPM Specification Implementation iTin.Logging Logging library
Rename namespaces, new properties, Unified libraries (Win32 only, cross-platform) with another packages
Add new libraries and remove old libraries for compability with another packages (Win32 only and Cross-Platform)
In order to unify the obtaining of one or more properties by directly consulting the structures, two new methods have been added to replace the existing ones.
Single property
DmiStructureCollection structures = DMI.CreateInstance().Structures; object biosVersion = structures.GetProperty(DmiProperty.Bios.BiosVersion); if (biosVersion! = null) { Console.WriteLine ($ @ "BIOS Version> {biosVersion}"); }
Current Version
DmiStructureCollection structures = DMI.CreateInstance().Structures; QueryPropertyResult biosVersion = structures.GetProperty (DmiProperty.Bios.BiosVersion); if (biosVersion.Success) { Console.WriteLine ($ @ "> BIOS Version> {biosVersion.Value.Value}"); }
> Success true if current operation was executed successfully, otherwise false. > Value If is success, contains an instance of PropertyItem containing property value (Value property) and property key (Key property) > Errors If not success, contains a error collection, containing the query errors.
Multiple properties
DmiStructureCollection structures = DMI.CreateInstance().Structures; IDictionary<int, object> systemSlots = structures.GetProperties(DmiProperty.SystemSlots.SlotId); bool hasSystemSlots = systemSlots.Any(); if (!hasSystemSlots) { Console.WriteLine($" > There is no system slots information structure in this computer"); } else { foreach (KeyValuePair<int, object> systemSlot in systemSlots) { int element = systemSlot.Key; var property = ((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<IPropertyKey, object>>) systemSlot.Value).FirstOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine($@" System Slot ({element}) > {property.Value}"); } }
Current Version
DmiStructureCollection structures = DMI.CreateInstance().Structures; QueryPropertyCollectionResult systemSlotsQueryResult = structures.GetProperties(DmiProperty.SystemSlots.SlotDesignation); if (!systemSlotsQueryResult.Success) { Console.WriteLine($@" > Error(s)"); Console.WriteLine($@" {systemSlotsQueryResult.Errors.AsMessages().ToStringBuilder()}"); } else { IEnumerable<PropertyItem> systemSlotsItems = systemSlotsQueryResult.Value.ToList(); bool hasSystemSlotsItems = systemSlotsItems.Any(); if (!hasSystemSlotsItems) { Console.WriteLine($@" > Sorry, The '{DmiProperty.SystemSlots.SlotId}' property has not implemented on this system"); } else { int index = 0; foreach (var systemSlotItem in systemSlotsItems) { Console.WriteLine($@" > System Slot ({index}) > {systemSlotItem.Value}"); index++; } } }
> Success true if current operation was executed successfully, otherwise false. > Value If is success, contains an instance of IEnumerable<PropertyItem> containing properties list, on each item contains an instance of PropertyItem containing property value (Value property) and property key (Key property) > Errors If not success, contains a error collection, containing the query errors.
Removed net45 and netcoreapp targets. Current supported targets, net461 and netstandard20
Libraries removed in this version
Library | Version | Description |
iTin.Core.Interop | 1.0.0 | Interop calls |
iTin.Core.Hardware | 1.0.1 | Hardware Interop Calls |
Rename iTin.Core.Harware.XXX namespaces for iTin.Harware.XXX namespaces
Library versions for this version
Library | Version | Description |
iTin.Core | | Base library containing various extensions, helpers, common constants |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Common | | Generic Common Hardware Infrastructure |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Windows.Smbios | | Win32 Generic Hardware Calls (SMBIOS) |
iTin.Core.Interop.Shared | | Generic Shared Interop Definitions, Data Structures, Constants... |
iTin.Core.Interop.Windows.Smbios | | Win32 Generic Interop Calls (SMBIOS) |
iTin.Hardware.Specification.Dmi | | DMI Specification Implementation |
iTin.Hardware.Specification.Smbios | | SMBIOS Specification Implementation |
iTin.Hardware.Specification.Tpm | | TPM Specification Implementation |
iTin.Logging | | Logging library |
Adds support for System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) v3.4.0
Adds support for System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) v3.4.0, includes:
* Processor Information (Type 4): - SMBIOSCR00189: update the definition of Type 4 Processor Id for ARM64 CPUs - SMBIOSCR00191: add Socket LGA1200 * System Slots (Type 9): - SMBIOSCR00193: add OCP NIC Prior to 3.0 - SMBIOSCR00196: Slot Type extensions for PCIe Gen6 and beyond - SMBIOSCR00197: Add support for CXL 2.0 devices - SMBIOSCR00199: Add support for EDSFF slot types * Memory Device (Type 17): - SMBIOSCR00195: update description for Intel persistent memory device - SMBIOSCR00197: Add support for CXL 2.0 devices
Adds support for retrieving DMI information for remote machines using WMI
- Currently in experimental mode, you can try to use it as it is implemented and comment if you find any problems
Please review the following document that indicates how to configure a remote computer to accept WMI calls
[Connecting to WMI on a Remote Computer]
Usage examples
The DMI.Instance property now is mark as obsolete use DMI.CreateInstance() method instead If you want to connect to a remote machine fill in an instance of the DmiConnectOptions object and use it as the argument of the DMI method.CreateInstance(optionsInstance). Example: // Returns same result as DMI.Instance DMI dmi = DMI.CreateInstance(); // Connect to remote machine. DMI dmi = DMI.CreateInstance( new DmiConnectOptions { UserName = "username to use" Password = "password to use", MachineNameOrIpAddress = "target remote machine name or machine ip address" });
- Library versions for this version
Library | Version | Description |
iTin.Core | 1.0.2 | Common calls |
iTin.Core.Interop | 1.0.0 | Interop calls |
iTin.Core.Hardware | 1.0.1 | Hardware Interop Calls |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Dmi | | DMI Specification Implementation |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Smbios | | SMBIOS Specification Implementation |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Tpm | 1.0.0 | TPM Specification Implementation |
Fix bugs
Fixed a bug in the DmiType 022 [Portable Battery] structure for versions equal to or greater than 2.1, which prevents the correct assignment of the DesignVoltage property due to an error in type conversion
Fixed a bug in the DmiType 022 [Portable Battery] structure for versions equal to or greater than 2.1, which prevents the correct assignment of the DesignCapacity property due to an error in type conversion
Fixed a bug in the DmiType 022 [Portable Battery] structure for versions equal to or greater than 2.1, which prevents the correct assignment of the OemSpecific property due to an error in type conversion
Fixed a bug in the DmiType 000 [BIOS] structure for versions equal to or greater than 3.1, which prevents the correct assignment of the BiosRomSize property due to an error in type conversion
Fixed a bug where the detection of StructureVersion for Type017 [Memory device], when the length of the structure is not a canonical length, such as windows running virtualized in parallels on a mac
- Library versions for this version
Library | Version | Description |
iTin.Core | 1.0.1 | Common calls |
iTin.Core.Interop | 1.0.0 | Interop calls |
iTin.Core.Hardware | 1.0.1 | Hardware Interop Calls |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Dmi | | DMI Specification Implementation |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Smbios | | SMBIOS Specification Implementation |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Tpm | 1.0.0 | TPM Specification Implementation |
Adds descriptive code help, Compability with v3.4.0a (Preliminary version)
Adds support for System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) v3.4.0a (Preliminary version), includes:
* Processor Information (Type 4):: - SMBIOSCR00190: add Socket LGA4189 * System Slots (Type 9): - SMBIOSCR00186: add PCI Express Gen 5 and U.2 values - SMBIOSCR00188: add OCP NIC 3.0 values * Memory Device (Type 17): - SMBIOSCR00187: add new memory device types (DDR5, LPDDR5)
Adds SmbiosVersion property to DMI object.
Adds ImplementedVersion property to DmiClasses, indicates which structure version the manufacturer has implemented for a version of smbios.
SMBIOS 3.4.0a (preliminary version) pdf file to Documents folder.
Typographic errors. Renames properties names.
Adds descriptive code help. I Tried to adds a help most descriptive for the properties keys.
Library versions for this version
Library | Version | Description |
iTin.Core | 1.0.1 | Common calls |
iTin.Core.Interop | 1.0.0 | Interop calls |
iTin.Core.Hardware | 1.0.1 | Hardware Interop Calls |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Dmi | | DMI Specification Implementation |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Smbios | | SMBIOS Specification Implementation |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Tpm | 1.0.0 | TPM Specification Implementation |
Updates SMBIOS to specification v3.3.0
Adds support for System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) v3.3.0, includes:
* System Slots (Type 9): - SMBIOSCR00184: add PCI Express Gen 4 values - SMBIOSCR00185: clarify bus number usage for PCI Express * Memory Device (Type 17): - SMBIOSCR00178: add new memory device type value (HBM) and new form factor value (Die) - SMBIOSCR00179: update the string for Intel persistent memory * Various: - SMBIOSCR00181: add support for RISC-V processors, add structure type 44 (processor-additional information) - SMBIOSCR00183: add support for CXL Flexbus
- Library versions for this version
Library | Version | Description |
iTin.Core | 1.0.0 | Common calls |
iTin.Core.Interop | 1.0.0 | Interop calls |
iTin.Core.Hardware | 1.0.0 | Hardware Interop Calls |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Dmi | | DMI Specification Implementation |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Smbios | | SMBIOS Specification Implementation |
iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Tpm | 1.0.0 | TPM Specification Implementation |
Solves a problem with duplicate properties keys and adds binary compability with other projecs
iTin.Core.Interop: Adds binary compability with iEEDID, iCPUID, iScreen (comming soon)
- Many structures, enumerations, win32 native methods have been added to project, for video cards, video modes, monitors, storage, etc ...
Minor changes.
- iTin.Core.Hardware:
- Due to a problem with duplicate properties of the same type, the data type for storing the properties has been changed.
Solution migrated to .Net Standard
Added iSMBIOS.ConsoleAppCore netcoreapp console app project.
\root - lib - iTin.Core - iTin.Core [Common Calls] - iTin.Core.Interop [Interop Calls] - iTin.Core.Hardware - iTin.Core.Hardware [Hardware Interop Calls] - iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification - iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Dmi [DMI Specification Implementation] - iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Smbios [SMBIOS Specification Implementation] - iTin.Core.Hardware.Specification.Tpm [TPM Specification Implementation] - test - iSMBIOS.ConsoleApp [Console Test App] - iSMBIOS.ConsoleAppCore [NetCoreApp Console Test App]
Minor changes.
The solution has been migrated to .NetStandard.
The supported targets are:
.NetFramework > = 4.5 .NetStandard > = 2.0 .NetCoreapp > = 2.0