An unofficial homebrew cask for Ken Brakke's Surface Evolver
brew tap hypsakata/cask-surface-evolver
brew install --cask surface-evolver
The fe
and cmd
files that come with Surface Evolver are located in $(brew --prefix)/share/surface-evolver.
Execute in a terminal application as the following:
If you want to load a sample cmd file (e.g., stl.cmd) from Surface Evolver, you can set the environment variable beforehand or run like the following:
EVOLVERPATH=$(brew --prefix)/share/surface-evolver evolver
Note Since Surface Evolver is not certified by Apple, the gatekeeper, a security application in macOS, stops it when it first runs. So, allowing it to execute from the security section in System Preferences is necessary.
brew uninstall surface-evolver
brew untap hypsakata/cask-surface-evolver