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Ansible role for provisioning and deploying Flask applications.


  • Provides tasks for provisioning and deploying a Flask application.
  • Provisions a server with all required applications and requirements.
  • Easily deploy your Flask application
  • Use git to checkout the application
  • Use Nginx as reverse proxy
  • Use Supervisor as process manager
  • Use Gunicorn to run the Flask application (can be overridden if a custom start script is provided)
  • Setup Postgresql with required database and user (optional)
  • Run custom pre and post install hooks
  • Install npm and bower if required
  • Run npm install and bower install during deployment (optional)



ansible-flaskapp is an Ansible role distributed globally using Ansible Galaxy. In order to install ansible-flaskapp role you can use the following command.

$ ansible-galaxy install hypebeast.flaskapp


Or directly clone the repository in your roles folder:

$ git clone flaskapp


Install with ansible-galaxy

First, install the role

ansible-galaxy install hypebeast.flaskapp

Add the role to your playbook

Add the ansible-flaskapp role to your playbook:

- hosts: all
    - {role: hypebeast.flaskapp,
       tags: [flaskapp-setup,flaskapp-deploy]}

This executes the setup and deploy tasks.

If you want to run only the deploy task:

- hosts: all
    - {role: hypebeast.flaskapp,
       tags: [flaskapp-deploy]

Set up role variables

Customize the role variables (see role variables).

Role Variables

See defaults/main.yml for a full list with available variables.

# The name of the application, uses to create application directory, e.g.
# should be a shorthand, lowercase and not contain any whitespaces.
flaskapp_app_name: flaskapp

# Port for the application
flaskapp_port: 8000

# The user used to run the Flask application
flaskapp_app_user: www-data

# The directory to keep application source code.
flaskapp_app_directory: "/opt/{{ flaskapp_app_name }}"

# The directory to keep application logs.
flaskapp_app_log_directory: "/var/log/{{ flaskapp_app_name }}"

# The path to application requirements.
flaskapp_app_requirements: "{{ flaskapp_app_directory }}/requirements.txt"

# The remote git repository to pull application code from, for example:
# [email protected]:hypebeast/flaskapp.git
flaskapp_app_repository: [email protected]:hypebeast/ansible-flaskapp.git

# The version of the repository to checkout. This can be a full
# 40-character SHA1 hash, the branch or a tag name.
flaskapp_app_version: master

# The list of environment variables uses to run most of commands.
  PATH: "{{ flaskapp_app_directory }}/bin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}"

# The list of custom commands to run before and after deploy. These commands
# uses previously defined environment to run.
flaskapp_app_pre_hooks: []
flaskapp_app_post_hooks: []

# The path to application config to use when launch application.

# The Python version which should be installed
flaskapp_python_version: 2.7

# The list of system packages required to build/run application.
  - git
  - python{{ flaskapp_python_version }}
  - build-essential
  - python-dev
  - python-pip
  - python-virtualenv
  - libpq-dev
  - build-essential

# Additional system packages required by your application

# Install `nodejs` and required package dependencies via `npm`?
flaskapp_app_requires_npm: false

# Install frontend package dependencies via `bower`?
flaskapp_app_requires_bower: false

# Install and configure Postgresql
flaskapp_use_postgresql: true

# Postgresql db user
flaskapp_postgresql_user: "{{ flaskapp_app_name }}"

# Postgresql db password
flaskapp_postgresql_password: xxxxx

# Postgresql db table name
flaskapp_postgresql_table: "{{ flaskapp_app_name }}"

# Defines if migrations should be run during deployment
flaskapp_run_migrations: false

# Directory with migrations scripts
flaskapp_migrations_dir: ../migrations

# Migration command
flaskapp_migration_command: python migrate

# Nginx server name
flaskapp_nginx_server_name: "{{ flaskapp_app_name }}"

# Directory with static files served directly by Nginx
flaskapp_nginx_static_dir: "{{ flaskapp_app_directory }}/static/"

# Set to true if you want to use a custom nginx config (you need to provisioning it by yourself)
flaskapp_use_custom_nginx_conf: false

# Set to true if you want to use a custom supervisor config (you need to provisioning it by yourself)
flaskapp_use_custom_supervisor_conf: false

# Set to true if you want to use a custom startup script used by supervisor (you need to provisioning it by yourself)
flaskapp_use_custom_start_script: false


The project comes with Vagrantfile that makes it possible to easily test the role.

Use vagrant provision/vagrant up or ansible-playbook tests/test.yml -i vagrant-inventory.


Sebastian Ruml, [email protected]


See the LICENSE file for details.


Credits goes to the authors of the following projects:


Ansible role to setup and deploy Flask applications.








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