It is a fork of project:
In our case, we have a Win32 Python application that need record audio stream from the loopback pin of default render device. Here we update the Intxcc's project.
For all the build steps and usages of the project for x64, please take reference to the original project.
- Windows x64 PC, Visual Studio 2017.
- Installed x64 version of Python: C:\Python27\python.exe
- Local independent-running Win32 version of Python. .\WinPython-32bit-\python-2.7.5\python.exe
Specify the win32 python libraries path "[library_dirs]" in We have copied the win32 python libraries to "C:\Python27\libs_x86" and specify this path as "[library_dirs]".
Create 32bit portaudio library with VS2017 with the below solution file:
Run to create x86 version of pyaudio dll.
$python.exe .\ build --static-link --plat-name=win32
The is updated from original The python.exe here is installed x64 version.
Register the x86 extension dll with win32 python.
$.\WinPython-32bit-\python-2.7.5\python.exe .\ install --static-link
The python.exe here is win32 version.