GEANT4-based simulation of CE-H HGCal optical tile
Working Copy from FNAL Stay
Tested/Edited by Alan Horst
- Added new dimple geometries
- Added generalparticlesource support
- Wrote python scripts for handling jobs (hadd script not included)
- Functions for source position/angle
git clone
cd hgcal_tile
mkdir build
cd build
./LYSIM photontest.mac [-novis] [output_filename] [root_filename}
(if running without -novis
/run/beamOn 5
edit the condor-. so that they point to your areas, not mine
submit with
condor_submit condor_jobs.jdl
see if it is running with
condor_q -submitter your-user-name
look at Analysis.root
--- WARNING it's currently set to run 2000 jobs at 31 points, it takes a long time. Use screen or create fewer jobs per point
The results (hits/err) of each point and it's location will be printed in FinalShallow.csv (add a line that says "end" at the end of the csv after runs are complete)
Then to graph, use, which will create TGraphErrors plots for each data set