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Attic Meeting Notes 2016 10 11

Noel Merket edited this page Oct 17, 2016 · 2 revisions

Attics in HPXML

Issues with Measures and Attics

Most have pre- and post-Rvalue requirements for attic insulation. If you have more than one attic space, you have to apply the rules to each. If you have an enclosed cavity vs. open blow insulation there's no way to tell. We'd need to know the difference in construction types. - Kyle Archie

It would be nice to describe one big measure with sub measures. - Brandon Gallagher

It would probably be best to handle these issues on the measures discussion, since they're more general than attic measures.

Attic and Roof Element Organization

Attic Element

Roof Element

Knee Walls

#102 Discuss knee walls as Attic section rather than Walls

Pretty solid agreement that they should be moved from the Enclosure/Walls/Wall node into the Attic.

Attics as a space

One comment (Gamaliel, I think) that got some traction was that we should make attics more like foundations in HPXML where it's more of a space and you define the surfaces of that space. We're halfway there at this point.

Other Attic Hopes and Dreams

Action Items

  • Noel: Come up with a straw man
  • Gamaliel: going to send some HPXML files.
  • Set up meeting with Brandon to see interface.

Some context from Ted Kidd: