Click on the button below to deploy the baseline infrastructure using OCI Resource Manager.
IMPORTANT: Must complete the baseline infrastructure setup before following the steps below.
Fork the Supremo Rental Quickstart Github Repository to your Github account. Follow the steps in this link on the steps to fork a repository.
Clone the repository on your local terminal or Cloud Shell.
Navigate to Github repository settings.
Press "Actions" under "Secrets and variables" option.
Press "New repository secret" to create the following secrets.
OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT (obtain from Resource Manager Outputs)
OCI_CLI_KEY_CONTENT (obtain from Resource Manager Outputs)
OCI_CLI_REGION (obtain from Resource Manager Outputs)
OCI_CLI_TENANCY (obtain from Resource Manager Outputs)
OCI_CLI_USER (obtain from Resource Manager Outputs)
OCI_COMPARTMENT_OCID (obtain from Resource Manager Outputs)
OCIR_USERNAME (Refer to documentation)
- Example for non-federated user: tenancynamespace/[email protected]
- Example for IDCS federated user: tenancynamespace/oracleidentitycloudservice/[email protected]
OCI_AUTH_TOKEN (obtain from Resource Manager Outputs)
OCI_DEVOPS_PIPELINE_ID (obtain from Resource Manager Outputs)
On the same page, click on "Variables" and click "New repository variable" to add "BACKEND_IP" variable. Obtain the backend IP address from Resource Manager Outputs.
Create ephemeral network definition on Cloud Shell to acccess the private OKE cluster. Alternatively, use OCI Bastion.
Cloud Shell: Refer to documentation.
OCI Bastion: Refer to documentation.
Create a namespace for supremo app
kubectl create ns supremo
Create container registry secret to pull container image from OCI Container Registry. Refer to documentation for the values for
.kubectl create secret docker-registry ocir-secret --docker-username='<tenancy_namespace>/<username>' --docker-password='<auth_token>' --docker-server=<region_code> --docker-email='<user_email>' -n supremo
Check that secret has been created
kubectl get secrets -n supremo
Navigate to OCI DevOps project.
Go to artifact and select "deploy_supremo_react".
Copy and paste the content of deployment_supremo_frontend.yml to the artifact and save it.
Go to Logs and make sure DevOps logs is enabled
Commit and push the code to Github repo main branch.
Observe that Github Action will be triggered and OCI Deployment Pipeline will deploy Supremo frontend to OKE cluster.
Navigate to OCI DevOps project and click on the deployment
Under Deployment Progress, click on the 3 dots of
Wait for approval
, pressApprove
. -
After deployment is completed, validate that the Supremo app is accessible. Get the public IP of the load balancer by running the command below:
kubectl get svc -n supremo