The LIS3DH is a 3-Axis MEMS accelerometer. This sensor has extensive functionality and this class has not yet implemented all of it.
The LPS25H can interface over I²C or SPI. This class addresses only I²C for the time being.
To add this library to your project, add #require "LIS3DH.class.nut:1.0.2" to the top of your device code.
The class’ constructor takes one required parameter (a configured imp I²C bus) and an optional parameter (the I²C address of the accelerometer):
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
i2c | hardware.i2c | N/A | A pre-configured I²C bus |
addr | byte | 0x30 | The I²C address of the accelerometer |
#require "LIS3DH.class.nut:1.0.2"
i2c <- hardware.i2c89;
accel <- LIS3DH(i2c, 0x32); // using a non-default I2C address (SA0 pulled high)
Sets default values for registers, read the current range and set _range. Resets to state when first powered on.
The setDataRate method sets the Output Data Rate (ODR) of the accelerometer in Hz. The nearest supported data rate less than or equal to the requested rate will be used and returned. Supported datarates are 0 (Shutdown), 1, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 1600, and 5000 Hz.
local rate = accel.setDataRate(100);
server.log(format("Accelerometer running at %d Hz",rate));
NOTE: The datarate must be set before reading the accelerometer with getAccel().
The getAccel method reads and returns the latest measurement from the accelerometer as a table (in Gs):
{ x: <xData>, y: <yData>, z: <zData> }
// Create and enable the sensor
i2c <- hardware.i2c89;
accel <- LIS3DH(i2c, 0x32);
local val = accel.getAccel()
server.log(format("Acceleration (G): (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)", val.x, val.y, val.z));
An optional callback (with a single parameter) can be passed to the getAccel method. If a callback is included, the class will read the sensor data, and pass the result to the callback method as the first parameter:
// Create and enable the sensor
i2c <- hardware.i2c89;
accel <- LIS3DH(i2c, 0x32);
accel.getAccel(function(val) {
server.log(format("Acceleration (G): (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)", val.x, val.y, val.z));
The setRange method sets the measurement range of the sensor in Gs. The default measurement range is +/- 2G. The nearest supported range less than or equal to the requested range will be used and returned. Supported ranges are (+/-) 2, 4, 6, 8, and 16 G.
// set sensor range to +/- 6 G
local range = accel.setRange(6);
server.log(format("Range set to +/- %d G", range));
NOTE: If you are not using the default +/- 2G range, you must set the range with setRange before setting interrupt thresholds with setInertialIntThreshold or setClickIntThreshold.
The getRange method returns the currently-set measurement range of the sensor in Gs.
server.log(format("Current Sensor Range is +/- %d G", accel.getRange()));
Configures the Inertial Interrupt generator:
parameter | type | default | description |
state | bool | n/a | true to enable, false to disable |
threshold | float | 2.0 | Inertial interrupts threshold in Gs. |
duration | int | 5 | Number of samples exceeding threshold required to generate interrupt |
options | bitfield | X_HIGH | Y_HIGH | Z_HIGH | See table below |
// Configure the Inertial interrupt generator to generate an interrupt
// when acceleration on all three exceeds 1G.
accel.configureInertialInterrupt(true, 1.0, 10, LIS3DH.X_LOW | LIS3DH.Y_LOW | LIS3DH.Z_LOW | LIS3DH.AOI)
The default configuration for the Intertial Interrupt generator is to generate an interrupt when the acceleration on any axis exceeds 1G. This behavior can be changed by OR'ing together any of the following flags:
flag | description |
X_LOW | Generates an interrupt when the x-axis acceleration goes below the threshold |
X_HIGH | Generates an interrupt when the x-axis acceleration goes above the threshold |
Y_LoW | Generates an interrupt when the y-axis acceleration goes below the threshold |
Y_HIGH | Generates an interrupt when the y-axis acceleration goes above the threshold |
Z_LOW | Generates an interrupt when the z-axis acceleration goes below the threshold |
Z_HIGH | Generates an interrupt when the z-axis acceleration goes above the threshold |
AOI | Sets the AOI flag (see Inertial Interrupt Modes below) |
SIX_D | Sets the 6D flag (see Inertial Interrupt Modes below) |
The following is taken from the from LIS3DH Datasheet (section 8.21):
AOI | 6D | Interrupt Mode |
0 | 0 | OR combination of interrupt events |
0 | 1 | 6 direction movement recognition |
1 | 0 | AND combination of events |
1 | 1 | 6 direction position recognition |
Movement Recognition (01): An interrupt is generate when orientation move from unknown zone to known zone. The interrupt signal stay for a duration ODR.
Direction Recognition (11): An interrupt is generate when orientation is inside a known zone. The interrupt signal stay until orientation is inside the zone.
The configureFreeFallInterrupt configures the intertial interrupt generator to generate interrupts when the device is in free fall (acceleration on all axis appraoches 0). The default threshold
is 0.5 Gs.The default duration
is 5 sample.
Note: This method will overwrite any settings configured with the configureInertialInterrupt.
Configures the Click Interrupt Generator:
parameter | type | default | description |
state | bool | n/a | true to enable, false to disable |
threshold | float | 1.1 | Threshold that must be exceeded to be considered a click |
timeLimit | float | 5 | Max time in ms the acceleration can spend above the threshold to be considered a click |
latency | float | 10 | Min time in ms between the end of one click event, and the start of another to be considred a DOUBLE_CLICK |
window | float | 50 | Max time in ms between the start of one click event, and end of another to be considered a DOUBLE_CLICK |
// Configure a single click interrupt
accel.configureClickInterrupt(true, LIS3DH.SINGLE_CLICK);
// configure a double click interrupt
accel.configureClickInterrupt(true, LIS3DH.DOUBLE_CLICK);
Enables (state = true
) or disable (state = false
) Data Ready interrupts on the INT1 line.
accel.setDataRate(1); // 1 Hz
Enables (state = true
) or disables (state = false
) interrupt latching. If interrupt latching is enabled, the interrupt signal will remain asserted until the interrupt source register is read by calling getInterruptTable(). If latching is disabled, the interrupt signal will remain asserted as long as the interrupt-generating condition persists.
Inertial and free fall are the only interrupts compatible with latching mode.
Interrupt latching is disabled by default.
See sample code in getInterruptTable().
The getInterruptTable method reads the INT1_SRC and CLICK_SRC registers, and returns the result as a table with the following fields:
"int1": bool, // true if INT1 created the interrupt
"xLow": bool, // true if a xLow condition is present
"yLow": bool, // true if a yLow condition is present
"zLow": bool, // true if a zLow condition is present
"xHigh": bool, // true if a xHigh condition is present
"yHigh": bool, // true if a yHigh condition is present
"zHigh": bool, // true if a zHigh condition is present
"click": bool, // true if any click created the interrupt
"singleClick": bool, // true if a single click created the interrupt
"doubleClick": bool // true if a double click created the interrupt
In the following example we setup an interrupt for double click detection:
function interruptHandler() {
if ( == 0) return;
// Get + clear the interrupt + clear
local data = accel.getInterruptTable();
// Check what kind of interrupt it was
if (data.doubleClick) {
server.log("Double Click");
i2c <- hardware.i2c89;
accel <- LIS3DH(i2c, 0x32);
int <- hardware.pinB;
int.configure(DIGITAL_IN, interruptHandler);
// Configure accelerometer
// Setup a double click interrupt
accel.configureClickInterrupt(true, LIS3DH.DOUBLE_CLICK);
In the following example we setup an interrupt for free fall detection:
function sensorSetup() {
// Configure accelerometer
// Setup a free fall interrupt
// Put imp to Sleep
function sleep(timer) {
server.log("going to sleep for " + timer + " sec");
if (server.isconnected()) {
imp.onidle(function() { server.sleepfor(timer); });
} else {
// Take reading
function takeReading() {
accel.getAccel(function(result) {
if ("err" in result) {
// check for error
} else {
// add timestamp to result table
result.ts <- time();
// log reading
foreach(k, v in result) {
server.log(k + ": " + v);
function interruptHandler() {
if ( == 0) return;
// Get + clear the interrupt + clear
local data = accel.getInterruptTable();
// Check what kind of interrupt it was
if (data.int1) {
server.log("Free Fall");
i2c <- hardware.i2c89;
accel <- LIS3DH(i2c, 0x32);
int <- hardware.pinB;
wake <- hardware.pin1;
// Handle WakeUp
switch(hardware.wakereason()) {
server.log("WOKE UP B/C TIMER EXPIRED");
imp.wakeup(2, function() { sleep(30); })
server.log("WOKE UP B/C PIN HIGH");
imp.wakeup(2, function() { sleep(30); })
Returns the 1-byte device ID of the sensor (from the WHO_AM_I register). The getDeviceId method is a simple way to test if your LIS3DH sensor is correctly connected.
server.log(format("Device ID: 0x%02X", accel.getDeviceId()));
The enable methods enables (state = true
) or disabled (state = false
) the accelerometer. The accelerometer is enabled by default.
function goToSleep() {
imp.onidle(function() {
// set datarate to 0 and disable the accelerometer to save power
// sleep for 1 hour
The setLowPower method enables (state = true
) or disables (state = false
) low-power mode.
// enable low-power mode
Note: setLowPower will change the data rate.
The reset method resets all registers to datasheet default values. The reset method can be very useful during active development (as 'Build and Run' will not reset the IC).
#require "LIS3DH.class.nut:1.0.2"
i2c <- hardware.i2c89;
accel <- LIS3DH(i2c, 0x32);
The LIS3DH class is licensed under MIT License.