wpConnections allows to link posts in WordPress by graph-like connections. The library provides such connection properties as:
- direction (from, to)
- from post id
- to post id
- order
- meta data.
Connections belong to a Relation and never exist out. The relation has properties:
- cardinality (1-1, 1-m, m-1, m-m)
- from post type
- to post type
- direction type (from, to, both)
- duplicatable (whether may have same connections)
- closurable (whether may have the same post on from and to).
EXAMPLE. There are four CPT:
. Magazine posts may have connections with some Issues (one-to-many type) so that the Issues constitute the Magazine.
The Issues in turn have connections with Articles (one-to-many as well). But an Author might have been linked with many Articles, and an Article might have many connections with Authors (many-to-many).
It can be used as multiple installed library being parts of different plugins in a WordPress installation. All you need is creating a client instance for your application. Every client has its own tables and REST API hooks, and does not influence to another clients.
Full documentation is available on Wiki project pages.
Add the package
composer require hokoo/wpconnections
So, you have to create client instance...
use iTRON\wpConnections\Client;
$wpc_client = new Client( 'my-app-wpc-client' );
...and relations for your connections.
use iTRON\wpConnections\Query;
$qr = new Query\Relation();
$qr->set( 'name', 'post-to-page' );
$qr->set( 'from', 'post' );
$qr->set( 'to', 'page' );
$qr->set( 'cardinality', 'm-m' );
$wpc_client->registerRelation( $qr );
Ok, now you can create connections inside the relation.
$qc = new Query\Connection();
$qc->set( 'from', $post_id_from );
$qc->set( 'to', $post_id_to );
$wpc_client->getRelation( 'post-to-page' )->createConnection( $qc );
Since you have initialized new client, its REST API endpoints are available.