All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
winBackOffersCreateInstance | POST /v1/winBackOffers | |
winBackOffersDeleteInstance | DELETE /v1/winBackOffers/{id} | |
winBackOffersGetInstance | GET /v1/winBackOffers/{id} | |
winBackOffersPricesGetToManyRelated | GET /v1/winBackOffers/{id}/prices | |
winBackOffersUpdateInstance | PATCH /v1/winBackOffers/{id} |
open class func winBackOffersCreateInstance(winBackOfferCreateRequest: WinBackOfferCreateRequest, completion: @escaping (_ data: WinBackOfferResponse?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ASC
let winBackOfferCreateRequest = WinBackOfferCreateRequest(data: WinBackOfferCreateRequest_data(type: "type_example", attributes: WinBackOfferCreateRequest_data_attributes(referenceName: "referenceName_example", offerId: "offerId_example", duration: SubscriptionOfferDuration(), offerMode: SubscriptionOfferMode(), periodCount: 123, customerEligibilityPaidSubscriptionDurationInMonths: 123, customerEligibilityTimeSinceLastSubscribedInMonths: IntegerRange(minimum: 123, maximum: 123), customerEligibilityWaitBetweenOffersInMonths: 123, startDate: Date(), endDate: Date(), priority: "priority_example", promotionIntent: "promotionIntent_example"), relationships: WinBackOfferCreateRequest_data_relationships(subscription: SubscriptionAppStoreReviewScreenshotCreateRequest_data_relationships_subscription(data: PromotedPurchase_relationships_subscription_data(type: "type_example", id: "id_example")), prices: WinBackOfferCreateRequest_data_relationships_prices(data: [WinBackOffer_relationships_prices_data_inner(type: "type_example", id: "id_example")]))), included: [WinBackOfferPriceInlineCreate(type: "type_example", id: "id_example")]) // WinBackOfferCreateRequest | WinBackOffer representation
WinBackOffersAPI.winBackOffersCreateInstance(winBackOfferCreateRequest: winBackOfferCreateRequest) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
winBackOfferCreateRequest | WinBackOfferCreateRequest | WinBackOffer representation |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func winBackOffersDeleteInstance(id: String, completion: @escaping (_ data: Void?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ASC
let id = "id_example" // String | the id of the requested resource
WinBackOffersAPI.winBackOffersDeleteInstance(id: id) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | the id of the requested resource |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func winBackOffersGetInstance(id: String, fieldsWinBackOffers: [FieldsWinBackOffers_winBackOffersGetInstance]? = nil, fieldsWinBackOfferPrices: [FieldsWinBackOfferPrices_winBackOffersGetInstance]? = nil, include: [Include_winBackOffersGetInstance]? = nil, limitPrices: Int? = nil, completion: @escaping (_ data: WinBackOfferResponse?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ASC
let id = "id_example" // String | the id of the requested resource
let fieldsWinBackOffers = ["fieldsWinBackOffers_example"] // [String] | the fields to include for returned resources of type winBackOffers (optional)
let fieldsWinBackOfferPrices = ["fieldsWinBackOfferPrices_example"] // [String] | the fields to include for returned resources of type winBackOfferPrices (optional)
let include = ["include_example"] // [String] | comma-separated list of relationships to include (optional)
let limitPrices = 987 // Int | maximum number of related prices returned (when they are included) (optional)
WinBackOffersAPI.winBackOffersGetInstance(id: id, fieldsWinBackOffers: fieldsWinBackOffers, fieldsWinBackOfferPrices: fieldsWinBackOfferPrices, include: include, limitPrices: limitPrices) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | the id of the requested resource | |
fieldsWinBackOffers | [String] | the fields to include for returned resources of type winBackOffers | [optional] |
fieldsWinBackOfferPrices | [String] | the fields to include for returned resources of type winBackOfferPrices | [optional] |
include | [String] | comma-separated list of relationships to include | [optional] |
limitPrices | Int | maximum number of related prices returned (when they are included) | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func winBackOffersPricesGetToManyRelated(id: String, filterTerritory: [String]? = nil, fieldsWinBackOfferPrices: [FieldsWinBackOfferPrices_winBackOffersPricesGetToManyRelated]? = nil, fieldsTerritories: [FieldsTerritories_winBackOffersPricesGetToManyRelated]? = nil, fieldsSubscriptionPricePoints: [FieldsSubscriptionPricePoints_winBackOffersPricesGetToManyRelated]? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, include: [Include_winBackOffersPricesGetToManyRelated]? = nil, completion: @escaping (_ data: WinBackOfferPricesResponse?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ASC
let id = "id_example" // String | the id of the requested resource
let filterTerritory = ["inner_example"] // [String] | filter by id(s) of related 'territory' (optional)
let fieldsWinBackOfferPrices = ["fieldsWinBackOfferPrices_example"] // [String] | the fields to include for returned resources of type winBackOfferPrices (optional)
let fieldsTerritories = ["fieldsTerritories_example"] // [String] | the fields to include for returned resources of type territories (optional)
let fieldsSubscriptionPricePoints = ["fieldsSubscriptionPricePoints_example"] // [String] | the fields to include for returned resources of type subscriptionPricePoints (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | maximum resources per page (optional)
let include = ["include_example"] // [String] | comma-separated list of relationships to include (optional)
WinBackOffersAPI.winBackOffersPricesGetToManyRelated(id: id, filterTerritory: filterTerritory, fieldsWinBackOfferPrices: fieldsWinBackOfferPrices, fieldsTerritories: fieldsTerritories, fieldsSubscriptionPricePoints: fieldsSubscriptionPricePoints, limit: limit, include: include) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | the id of the requested resource | |
filterTerritory | [String] | filter by id(s) of related 'territory' | [optional] |
fieldsWinBackOfferPrices | [String] | the fields to include for returned resources of type winBackOfferPrices | [optional] |
fieldsTerritories | [String] | the fields to include for returned resources of type territories | [optional] |
fieldsSubscriptionPricePoints | [String] | the fields to include for returned resources of type subscriptionPricePoints | [optional] |
limit | Int | maximum resources per page | [optional] |
include | [String] | comma-separated list of relationships to include | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func winBackOffersUpdateInstance(id: String, winBackOfferUpdateRequest: WinBackOfferUpdateRequest, completion: @escaping (_ data: WinBackOfferResponse?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ASC
let id = "id_example" // String | the id of the requested resource
let winBackOfferUpdateRequest = WinBackOfferUpdateRequest(data: WinBackOfferUpdateRequest_data(type: "type_example", id: "id_example", attributes: WinBackOfferUpdateRequest_data_attributes(customerEligibilityPaidSubscriptionDurationInMonths: 123, customerEligibilityTimeSinceLastSubscribedInMonths: IntegerRange(minimum: 123, maximum: 123), customerEligibilityWaitBetweenOffersInMonths: 123, startDate: Date(), endDate: Date(), priority: "priority_example", promotionIntent: "promotionIntent_example"))) // WinBackOfferUpdateRequest | WinBackOffer representation
WinBackOffersAPI.winBackOffersUpdateInstance(id: id, winBackOfferUpdateRequest: winBackOfferUpdateRequest) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | the id of the requested resource | |
winBackOfferUpdateRequest | WinBackOfferUpdateRequest | WinBackOffer representation |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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