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How to create a module

Alex edited this page Feb 14, 2023 · 1 revision

How to create a Shop Core module with examples


First of all you need to create a file with .sp extension, full documentation how to write plugins can be found on SourceMod wiki

!!! note For module creation all you need is a library of shop and all dependence files of it

!!! important "Very important" That you know how to write basic plugins before you try to write module for Shop Core

This is include file, that contains reference to another libs in our shop, just link it if you want to use shop natives.

#include <shop>

Basic understand of the item types in shop. Lets try to look into file, what we see here.

enum ItemType
	Item_None = 0,		/* < Can not be used */
	Item_Finite = 1,	/* < Can be used like a medkit */
	Item_Togglable = 2,	/* < Can be switched on or off */
	Item_BuyOnly = 3	/* < Only for buy */

That means, that item can be registered as one of the following types.

Each item has a category, that represented as CategoryId type and used as key for item attach to category. !!! note Item cannot exist without category

Steps to register item:

Add check if shop is running to OnPluginStart and ready to register new categories/items

public void OnPluginStart()
	/* ... Here some code before ... */
	if (Shop_IsStarted()) Shop_Started(); // to be sure, that Shop is ready to register

public void Shop_Started()
	// Here we will register items
	// Shop_RegisterCategory, Shop_StartItem, ... natives

public void OnPluginEnd()
	/* ... Here some code before ... */
	Shop_UnregisterMe(); // To mark module as ready for unload himself from shop core. Because there are no garbage collector like in Java.

Register a category via Shop_RegisterCategory native.

Tell our shop core, that we trying to register new item to category.

  • Use Shop_StartItem native. Native return true if item can be registered, and false if that item is already registered and we stucked at names conflict.

Next step is adding information for item via Shop_SetInfo native. Let's look at this in more detail.

 *	Sets the item information
 *	-
 *	@param name				Default display name
 *	@param description			Default description
 *	@param price				Item price. Can not be lower than sell_price
 *	@param sell_price			Item sell price. 0 to make item free and -1 to make it unsaleable. Can not be higher than price
 *	@param type				Item type. See ItemType enum
 *	@param value				Sets count if the item type is finite and sets duration if the item is togglable or non-togglable
 *	@param gold_price			Item price. Can be -1 to make in unbuyable for gold
 *	@param gold_sell_price			Item sell price. 0 to make item free and -1 to make it unsaleable. Can not be higher than price
 *	-
 *	@noreturn
native void Shop_SetInfo(const char[] name, const char[] description, int price, int sell_price = -1, ItemType type, int value = 1, int gold_price = -1, int gold_sell_price = -1);
  1. Example item with name Item name, description Item description, price 1000 credits, sell price 500 credits, with finite number of this item, in equivalent of 1 per purchase, unbuyable by gold (because of -1), and unsaleable by gold (because -1)
Shop_SetInfo("Item name", "Item description", 1000, 500, Item_Finite, 1, -1, -1);
  1. Example item with same name and description, but now buyable by 200 credits and 10 gold and unsaleable
Shop_SetInfo("Item name", "Item description", 200, -1, Item_Finite, 1, 10, -1);
  1. Example item with same name and description, but type is Toggleble with duration of 1 week (in minutes is 86400), buy price is 500 credits and sell price is 2 gold
Shop_SetInfo("Item name", "Item description", 500, -1, Item_Toggleble, 86400, -1, 2);

Time to add callbacks for our module. (Shop_SetCallbacks)

 *	Sets the item callbacks
 *	-
 *	@param register				Callback called when the item is registered
 *	@param use_toggle			Callback called when the item is being used
 *	@param should				Callback called when the item is being displayed. Here you can stop displaying the item
 *	@param display				Callback called when the item is being displayed. Here you can change item display name
 *	@param description			Callback called when the item description is being displayed. Here you can change item description
 *	@param preview				Callback called when the item is previewing
 *	@param buy				Callback called when the item is being bought
 *	@param sell				Callback called when the item is being sold
 *	@param elapse				Callback called when the item is elapsed
 *	-
 *	@noreturn
native void Shop_SetCallbacks(ItemRegister register=INVALID_FUNCTION,
	ItemUseToggleCallback use_toggle=INVALID_FUNCTION, 
	ItemShouldDisplayCallback should=INVALID_FUNCTION, 
	ItemDisplayCallback display=INVALID_FUNCTION, 
	ItemDescriptionCallback description=INVALID_FUNCTION, 
	ItemCommon preview=INVALID_FUNCTION,
	ItemBuyCallback buy=INVALID_FUNCTION,
	ItemSellCallback sell=INVALID_FUNCTION,
	ItemCommon elapse=INVALID_FUNCTION);

!!! important To skip callbacks, that you don't want to use just put _ on that position Shop_SetCallbacks(_, OnEquipItem);

  1. First callback (ItemRegister) we can ignore, but it useful, when you need to get item id and save it anywhere in your script.
  2. Second callback (ItemUseToggleCallback) we must use to process event when client is clicking on menu item to use it.
  3. According to the documentation, there are 2 variants of that callback handling.
typeset ItemUseToggleCallback
	function ShopAction (int client, CategoryId category_id, const char[] category, ItemId item_id, const char[] item); // For all items
	function ShopAction (int client, CategoryId category_id, const char[] category, ItemId item_id, const char[] item, bool isOn, bool elapsed); // Only for togglable items

ShopAction can return those states:

enum ShopAction
	Shop_Raw = 0, // do nothing
	Shop_UseOn = 1, // pass to process click
	Shop_UseOff = 2 // pass to process click, but if Item_Togglable, it turns off item and it Toggle status

Callback named OnEquipItem must be declared like this.

This is example if the item is NOT togglable

public ShopAction (int client, CategoryId category_id, const char[] category, ItemId item_id, const char[] item)
	// Do some stuff here with client
	return Shop_UseOn; // Mark item as toggled on (or used if finite)
  • You can add Shop_SetLuckChance to setup luck chance for item

  • You can add Shop_SetHide to setup is item hidden from Buy Menu or not.

  • You can provide extra information about item.

 *	Sets item custom info
 *	-
 *	@param info			Name of the key
 *	@param value			Value to set
 *	-
 *	@noreturn
native void Shop_SetCustomInfo(const char[] info, int value);

 *	Sets item custom info
 *	-
 *	@param info			Name of the key
 *	@param value			Value to set
 *	-
 *	@noreturn
native void Shop_SetCustomInfoFloat(const char[] info, float value);

 *	Sets item custom info
 *	-
 *	@param info			Name of the key
 *	@param value			Value to set
 *	-
 *	@noreturn
native void Shop_SetCustomInfoString(const char[] info, char[] value);

!!! note You must always specify Shop_EndItem() to mark item as ready to being registered by core.

!!! info More information will be added later