Welcome to Larafiber, a project using Golang (Gofiber), using some of the same structures as Laravel. This is not Laravel written in Go, but my take on creating a base for all my projects, inspired by Laravel. This project is using Gofiber 2, GORM 2, Vue 3, Tailwind 3, and Inertia.js.
The idea behind the project is to have a good starting point for web app development and prototyping. This setup has more than once being used as a base for rapidly developing web applications.
This project is using SQLight, but GORM can be configured to use a lot of different database engines.
Init and run the frontend by running:
npm install && npm run watch
Init and run the backend:
go get
go run main.go
All the models are located under the app-folder. There is a base file that contains a BASE struct. This is the base for all models, since it holds both ID and UUID. UUID is used in frontend, so we don´t have to expose the ID.
To add the model to GORM, simply add it to the auto migrate definition in the init function, and GORM will greate the database schema:
When a request is sent to the server, the following happens:
- The router file is invoced (routes/web.go), where the matching path and method are located.
- If there are any middelware hoocked up, this will be invoced from routes/web.go
- When a route is matched, and controller function is called.
- The inertia.Render function is called, with the data and the name of the vue file.
- Inertia.js on the frontend is called with the data and the vue file (plus version and path, but that is described on Inertia.js´ own web page), and rendered based on the vue files.