Data acquisition script using Ethernet motor and LeCroy scope as digitizer on LAPD. Modified from Scope_DAQ used on process plasma chamber
The data acquisition script (
) creates HDF5 files with the following structure:
├── attrs/
│ ├── description # Overall experiment description
│ ├── creation_time # Time when file was created
│ └── source_code # Python scripts used to create the file
│ ├──
│ └──
├── magnetron/ # First scope group
│ ├── attrs/
│ │ ├── description # Scope description
│ │ ├── ip_address # Scope IP address
│ │ ├── scope_type # Scope identification string
│ │ └── external_delay(ms) # External delay in milliseconds
│ │
│ ├── time_array # Time array for all channels (in seconds)
│ │ ├── attrs/
│ │ │ ├── units # "seconds"
│ │ │ └── description # "Time array for all channels"
│ │
│ ├── shot_0/ # First shot data
│ │ ├── attrs/
│ │ │ └── acquisition_time
│ │ │
│ │ ├── C1_data # Channel 1 voltage data
│ │ │ └── attrs/
│ │ │ └── description # Channel description
│ │ ├── C1_header # Channel 1 binary header
│ │ │ └── attrs/
│ │ │ └── description
│ │ ├── C2_data # Channel 2 voltage data
│ │ ├── C2_header # Channel 2 binary header
│ │ └── ... # Additional channels
│ │
│ ├── shot_1/ # Second shot data
│ └── ... # Additional shots
├── x-ray_dipole/ # Second scope group
│ └── ... # Same structure as above
└── Bdot/ # Third scope group
└── ... # Same structure as above
Root Level
- Contains experiment metadata and scope groups
- Stores source code used to create the file
- Includes experiment description and creation time
Scope Groups
- Each scope has its own group with metadata
- Time array stored once per scope (in seconds)
- External delay and scope configuration information
Shot Data
- Numbered shots under each scope group
- Each shot contains:
- Voltage data for each channel
- Binary header data for each channel
- Channel descriptions
- Acquisition timestamp
Time Arrays
- Stored in seconds in HDF5 file
- Used in milliseconds for plotting
- Saved once after first acquisition
- Reused for all subsequent shots
Example Python code to read the data:
import h5py
# Open the HDF5 file
with h5py.File('experiment_name.hdf5', 'r') as f:
# Read experiment description
description = f.attrs['description']
# Access source code
source_code = eval(f.attrs['source_code'])
# Read scope data
for scope_name in f.keys():
scope_group = f[scope_name]
# Get time array (in seconds)
time_array = scope_group['time_array'][:]
# Read shots
for shot_name in [k for k in scope_group.keys() if k.startswith('shot_')]:
shot_group = scope_group[shot_name]
# Read channel data
for channel in [k for k in shot_group.keys() if k.endswith('_data')]:
data = shot_group[channel][:]
description = shot_group[channel].attrs['description']
- Time values are stored in seconds but displayed in milliseconds in plots
- Binary headers contain scope-specific metadata for each channel
- Source code is preserved with data for reproducibility
- Each scope can have different time arrays based on its settings