Topics covered in this course includes:
- Estimation of Homography
- Local Invariant Features
- Camera Calibration
- Structure from Motion
- P3P Pose Estimation, EPnP, Ransac
- Essential, Fundamental Matrix
- Stereo Pair & Rectification,
- Triangulation and Stereo Processing,
- Traditional Stereo Matching
- Multiple View Stereo
- Deep Learning Stereo Matching
- ORB-SLAM, Bundle Adjustment
- SfM Learner
- Optical Flow
- View synthesis and Shape generation
- Deep Learning for 3D Point Cloud
- Deep Visual SLAM and Deep 3D
- Multiview 3D Human Tracking
- Multiview Artistic Style Synthesis
Topics covered in homeworks includes the following:
- Homework 1:
- Homography Estimation
- Document Rectification
- Homework 2:
- 2D-3D Matching
- Augmented Reality
- Homework 3:
- Visual Odometry
Details of each homework could be found on their respective folders.