Native2Proton is a runner for forcing the install and execution of Windows versions of Steam games rather than running the native Linux version.
Requires python3 and wget
To clone the repo:
git clone && cd Native2Proton
Run with ./
The Steam ID for the game you wish to install is required. It can be found in the url of the steam store page for the game.
Detection of your steam install location should be automatic and Native2Proton also includes a wrapper for running winetricks on the prefixes it creates.
Games installed with Native2Proton are best added to your Steam client as a non-Steam game. To do this point Steam to the .desktop shortcut created in "~/.local/share/native2proton/launchers" and set the Launch Options for the shortcut to "/home/user/.local/share/native2proton/$steam_app_id/$
Not every game will work due to DRM and anti-cheat methods they might employ. Some games might also require additional libraries like corefonts or vcruntimes. These can usually be installed with Native2Proton's builtin winetricks option.
Native2Proton is a wrapper for Proton and the technologies it uses including DXVK. As such all warnings for those applications apply here. Some technologies in DXVK have been known to get players banned where the game uses anti-cheat technology. Use DXVK and Native2Proton at your own risk.