MatSpectNet: A Physically-Constrained Hyperspectral Reconstruction Network for Domain-Aware Material Segmentation
Yuwen Heng, Yihong Wu, Srinandan Dasmahapatra, Hansung Kim
To install the required environment, please use the command below:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The dataset used for material segmentation is the Local Material Dataset (LMD) from the Kyoto University Computer Vision Lab, please download it at the official website: Please unpack the downloaded dataset complete_localmatdb.tgz to the folder ./data, and move the images and masks folders to ./data/localmatdb.
Then, run the following code to generate the ground truth masks.
The datasset used for spectral recovery task is the ARAD_1K, from the NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from RGB, at Some of the hyperspectral images contain zero elements. They should be deleted first for MST++.
The directory structure in ./data should be organised as follows:
|-- NTIRE2022_spectral
|-- Test_RGB
|-- Train_RGB
|-- Train_spectral
|-- Valid_RGB
|-- Valid_spectral
The spectral dataset can be downloaded from, which is already included in data/spectraldb. The main file is the shape_metrics.npy, which transforms the spectral profile into a shape description, as described in the main paper. The implementation of the transformation is in the file
This repo use config to parse the training configs, with pytorch-lightning as the training framework.
Please download the checkpoints, and put them in the folder "checkpoints" first.
MatSpectNet checkpoint:
Swin backbone checkpoint:
Use segmentation experiment:
python test --config configs/matspectnet/test.yaml # test on test split of LMD
The code is configured to train with 8 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPUs.