Generic VHDL Queue implementation losely aligned to SystemVerilog
queues. This is a simlulation-only package to extend VHDL testbenches
with queue functionality. The package is parametrized with the queue
item data type, so it can be used with any VHDL data type. Examples
could be queues of integer
, std_logic_vector
, real
, records or
custom types.
Method | Description |
size | returns the number of items in the queue |
insert | inserts the given item at the specified index position |
delete | deletes the item at the specified index position |
push_front | inserts the given item at the front of the queue |
push_back | inserts the given item at the end of the queue |
pop_front | removes and returns the first item of the queue |
pop_back | removes and returns the last item of the queue |
package IntegerQueue is
new work.queue_pkg generic map(ItemType => integer);
package SlvQueue is
new work.queue_pkg generic map(ItemType => std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
QUEUE_IF_P : process is
variable queue : Queue;
variable data : integer;
-- add integers 0 to 9 at the end of the queue
for i in range 0 to 9 loop
end loop;
-- add another entry to the start of the queue
-- get the first entry from the front
data := queue.pop_front;
-- get the last entry
data := queue.pop_back;
-- get the number of items in the queue
data := queue.size;
-- remove the 3rd item
See full examples in the tb
Example usage with Model/QuestSim:
vcom -2008 pkg/queue_pkg.vhd tb/tb_integer_queue.vhd tb/tb_slv_queue.vhd
vsim -c work.tb_slv_queue -do "run 10 ns; q -f"
vsim -c work.tb_integer_queue -do "run 10 ns; q -f"