I work for the Finnish Social Insurance Institution with a focus on wellbeing data and resource and authorization services. The technological landscape I work with is diverse and challenging. The demand to produce secure and reliable quality products is high. I am fortunate to work with a team of motivated and driven specialists working hard to provide as much value to our customers as possible. Some key technologies I work with on daily or weekly basis: Java, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Batch, FHIR HAPI, OpenShift, Atlassian product family.
- BSc in Computer science (GPA 4.92).
- MSc in Computer Science ongoing
- Focusing on Software development, embedded systems and data structures and algorithms.
- MSc in Social Services with 10+ years of experience in the NGO field. Work experience:
- data management, BI-tools and reporting
- project documention
- cooperation with ICT-stakeholders
- international partnerships
- 🌍 I'm based in Loviisa, Finland
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
- 🧠 passionate about
- software development
- Frameworks such as .NET, Spring Boot
- embedded systems and
- all things RISC-V
- Geeky facts:
- Favorite languages: Python, Java, Haskell, Verilog HDL
- Favorite IDE: IntelliJ IDEA
- Idols: Alan Turing, Alonzo Church, Edsger Dijkstra, David Patterson and John Hennessy