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Welcome to roboCop Telegram-Bot

roboCop Telegram-Bot developed using the Telegram Bot API Methods to generated Robot Framework's Keywords.


The purpose of this is help when finish the develop/tests receive notify of the roboCop Telegram-Bot.

Requirements and tools

  • Git SCM

    • Windows: Get last git here. Git Bash is recommended to work from Windows with almost the same features as Git on Linux.
  • Python 3.10 or higher

    • Windows: get last Python installer here

Setup Guide

Python Virtual Environment

Hint: On Git Bash you can find where Python is located run which python or which python3. Then you can set your path accordingly the correct Python version.

  1. After cloning the project repository, then create the Python Virtual Environment env (can be the name you want)

    cd ~/roboCopChatBot-Telegram
    $ python -m venv env

Hint: py -m pip install --user virtualenv To install the python virtual environment

  1. Add path setting to activate script

    echo -e "\n# Sets PYTHONPATH var within virtualenv\nexport PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)" >> ./env/Scripts/activate
  2. Activate the Virtual Environment, then you should see the (env) prefix in your bash prompt.

    user@host: ~/roboCopChatBot-Telegram (branch)
    $ source ./env/Scripts/activate 

Hint: To exit virtualenv just type deactivate. To close Git Bash window type exit.

roboCop Telegram-Bot dependencies

  • Install Python packages: run this command

    (env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Hint You can run this command on the Python virtual Environment.

Visual Studio Code Plugins

VS Code is the recommended IDE, although barely anyone can be used. These are suggested VS Code plugins that best fit this automation project:

  • Python - a must have for all Python developers.
  • Robot Code - this is a very stronger robot framework extension. PS: The Robot Framework Intellisense extension has been deprecated.
  • YAML - YAML plugin supported by Red Hat, so no further comments.
  • Material Icon Theme - Optional but great extension to give a nice touch on file icons.
  • JSON Pretty Printer - Optional but great extension to give a nice .json indentation.
  • Path Intellisense - Optional but great extension to give autocomplete filenames.
  • Code Spell Checker - Optional but a great extension to check that works well with code and documentation.

Running a Test Suite

  1. First make a copy of file telegram_variables_template.pyto your home user folder and remove the -template suffix.

  2. File telegram_variables has all initial variables to run RF and you have to change to fit your machine settings as needed, since it won't be committed anyway as each automation developer can have different settings:

    • HOST_GET_UPDATES = "{token}/getMe"
      A simple method for testing your bot's auth token. There's a… bot for that. Just talk to BotFather and follow a few simple steps. Once you've created a bot and received your authentication token, head down to the Bot API manual to see what you can teach your bot to do.
    • HOST_SEND_MESSAGE = "{token}/sendMessage"
      Use this method to send text messages. On success, the sent Message is returned.
      Take the {YOURCHATID} value, it should be around 9 numbers. IMPORTANT: It's a security best practice to NEVER commit HOST_GET_UPDATES, HOST_SEND_MESSAGE and CHAT_ID in code repositories.
  3. File payload_template.json contain the BODY PARAMS. chat_id is the Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername). text to text of the message to be sent. parse_mode Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in your bot's message. Optional disable_web_page_preview a boolean PARAM disables link previews for links in this message. disable_notification boolean sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound. Other apps coming soon. reply_to_message_id if the message is a reply, ID of the original message. reply_markup additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

  4. To run the demo test tag from demo.robot suite on another Git Bash / terminal window, activate the Python Virtual Environment as stated before and use this command:

    $ robot --variablefile ./resources/python-telegram-bot/telegram-variables/ --loglevel DEBUG --outputdir results ./tests/demo.robot

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