This program generates DSpace Simple Archive Format (SAF) directories from data exported from CONTENTdm and our local eXist-db METS/ALTO collections.
For DSpace SAF documentation, see
usage: [-h] [-d] repo collection source_file saf_directory
Process exported collection data to saf. The supported repositories are
CONTENTdm and the WU eXist-db METS/ALTO collections.
positional arguments:
repo the repository name (cdm | exist)
collection the repository collection name
source_file the exported xml data source
saf_directory the parent saf target directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --dry-run Dry run displays collection analytics only. No data is
You need to create "data" and "saf" directories for CONTENTdm and eXist-db. For example, ./existdb/data
and ./existdb/saf
The input xml files from CONTENTdm and eXist-db go into the corresponding data
Output will be written to saf
subdirectories. You need to manually create the top-level saf
directories for your
exported collections. For example, ./condm/saf/photographs
Data must be exported from CONTENTdm as CONTENTdm Standard XML, including only the full-text field from page-level metadata.
For eXist-db METS/ALTO collections, the METS and full text collections are required for each publication.
For CONTENTdm, two classes configure the program output:
contains dictionaries that define how parent CONTENTdm collections will be sorted into smaller collections based on item metadata (e.g. as specified in the Dublin Core source field).- The
class contains mapping between the CONTENTdm record and DSpace Dublin Core and Local metadata fields.
Extracting metadata from METS is slightly more complex. Data extraction is based on elements, attributes and attribute
values that are defined in the ExistDbFields
class. The MODS metadata can be sparse, so a few default values are
defined in the DefaultFieldValueMap
class. All exported records will include these default values if they are not
provided in the METS.
Running the program with the --dry-run
flag will produce a brief analytics report (without loading any data). Currently enabled for CONTENTdm only.
Here is a sample:
Item counts for sub-collections
800: Vernor Martin Sackett Collection
70: Sanders Soviet Poster Collection
18: Willamette University Student Life Glass Negatives
1: Stowell Diary
78: Kathleen Gemberling Adkison Collection
2700: Campus Photographs
29: Helen Pearce Collection
42: Ken Jacobson Photographs
161: Postcard Collection
38: Salem Eastern Oregon Photographs
1363: Paulus Glass Plate Collection
1: Willamette University Archives Chloe Clarke Willson Collection
Item counts for all unprocessed collections (these will be added to the "base" saf directory).
1: Scrapbooks
1: Salem and Eastern Oregon Photographs;
12: Willamette University Archives Paulus Glass Plate Collection
1: Scrapbooks;
Item counts for collections that were excluded by configuration.
1: Scrapbooks
1: Scrapbooks;
2: Compound Objects
120: Items with multiple bitstreams
5195: Single bitstream items
5317 records processed in dry run of aphotos
For CONTENTdm, each parent SAF directory contains subdirectories as defined in the CollectionConfig
. (This step is
not required for eXist-db.) For CONTENTdm, the CollectionConfig
can also be used to exclude specific
collections from compound object processing.
Each SAF subdirectory contains numbered batch
subdirectories. Each of these subdirectories contains up to 1000 items.
In each item directory, bitstream files may include images (jp2), thumbnail images, PDF files. The item directory may also include a text file with transcriptions of CONTENTdm compound objects or eXist-db full text files.
The contents
file in each item directory provides an inventory of the bitstream files. The dublin_core.xml
file contains all CONTENTdm Dublin
Core metadata mapped to DSpace fields (see FieldMaps
). The metadata_local
file maps to our local DSpace
metadata registry (also configured in FieldMaps
Items can be loaded into DSpace collections as show here:
IIIF items are loaded into a DSpace bundle called "IIIF" Note that this is hard-coded. It's not a command-line input parameter currently.
In most cases during the migration to DSpace from CONTENTdm and eXist we will need to use the IIIF bundle. However, if we use the python/SAF import procedure for PDF or other file format, note that these files must NOT go into the IIIF bundle.
We haven't yet considered the case in which both an IIIF viewer and a PDF download option are desired for the item.