We hope to evaluate your programming skills in a project that has a very similar stack to ours, a preview of what you will be working with at Showwcase.
Your challenge is to create a Pokemon App to display initial list of pokemon further showing more information about a Pokemon when tapped.
You should not just implement the most basic solution. This is a chance to show off your abilities, creativity, and impress.
- Flutter - https://flutter.dev/multi-platform/mobile
- An Infintite scrollable list for all the pokemons
- A Pokemon detailed screen
- Form to add new Pokemon with basic info such as Name, Type, etc.
- Functionality
- Code Format
- Project Structure
- Scalability
- Maintainability
- Use of industry best practices
- Correct implementation of a state manager
- Correct implementation of a navigation solution
- Correct Widget structure
- Communication in the repo and/or code
- Best practices with API calls and data
- Separation of concerns between business and UI logic
- Frequent commits
- Themeing
The data can be fetched from PokeAPI, please check this documentation that contains all the needed information: https://pokeapi.co/docs/v2
- The app should contain a list of scrollable items, each item should contain at least the pokemon's name and the sprite image.
- When an item is pressed, it should show some info related to the pokemon, you can present any info you want, just be creative!
- There should be a floating button using which we can add a new Pokemon
- Regarding styling, there's no design for this so don't care too much about the styles. If it looks cool, the better, but it's not the purpose of the exercise.
- An authentication screen to login with dummy user.
- Feature to save favorite Pokemon with separate screen to list them.
- Search for a pokemon using Pokemon id or name
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