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Merge pull request #211 from Shimuuar/tests-failures
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Fix few sporadic test failures
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Shimuuar authored Jan 15, 2025
2 parents d914fa8 + 6f89602 commit 1372649
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Showing 2 changed files with 64 additions and 73 deletions.
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions tests/Tests/Correlation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ testSpearmanNonlinear sample0
, not (isNaN c3)
, not (isNaN c4)
==> ( counterexample (show sample0)
$ counterexample (show sample1)
$ counterexample (show sample2)
$ counterexample (show sample3)
$ counterexample (show sample4)
==> ( counterexample ("S0 = " ++ show sample0)
$ counterexample ("S1 = " ++ show sample1)
$ counterexample ("S2 = " ++ show sample2)
$ counterexample ("S3 = " ++ show sample3)
$ counterexample ("S4 = " ++ show sample4)
$ counterexample (show (c1,c2,c3,c4))
$ and [ c1 == c2
, c1 == c3
Expand All @@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ testSpearmanNonlinear sample0
-- We need to stretch sample into [-10 .. 10] range to avoid
-- problems with under/overflows etc.
stretch xs
| a == b = xs
| otherwise = [ (x - a - 10) * 20 / (a - b) | x <- xs ]
| a == b = xs
| otherwise = [ ((x - a)/(b - a) - 0.5) * 20 | x <- xs ]
a = minimum xs
b = maximum xs
Expand Down
123 changes: 57 additions & 66 deletions tests/Tests/ExactDistribution.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns,
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module : Tests.ExactDistribution
-- Copyright : (c) 2022 Lorenz Minder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,8 +65,6 @@ module Tests.ExactDistribution (
, ExactHypergeomDistr(..)

-- * Linking to production distributions
, ProductionProbFuncs(..)
, productionProbFuncs
, ProductionLinkage

-- * Individual test routines
Expand All @@ -88,6 +87,7 @@ import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)
import Test.QuickCheck as QC
import Numeric.MathFunctions.Comparison (relativeError)
import Numeric.MathFunctions.Constants (m_tiny)

import Statistics.Distribution
import Statistics.Distribution.Binomial
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,102 +295,93 @@ instance QC.Arbitrary (TestCase ExactHypergeomDistr) where

-- | Distribution evaluation functions.
-- This is used to store a
data ProductionProbFuncs = ProductionProbFuncs {
prodProb :: Int -> Double
, prodCumulative :: Double -> Double
, prodComplCumulative :: Double -> Double

productionProbFuncs :: (DiscreteDistr a) => a -> ProductionProbFuncs
productionProbFuncs d = ProductionProbFuncs {
prodProb = probability d
, prodCumulative = cumulative d
, prodComplCumulative = complCumulative d

class (ExactDiscreteDistr a) => ProductionLinkage a where
productionLinkage :: a -> ProductionProbFuncs
class (ExactDiscreteDistr a, DiscreteDistr (ProdDistrib a)
) => ProductionLinkage a where
type ProdDistrib a
toProd :: a -> ProdDistrib a

instance ProductionLinkage ExactBinomialDistr where
productionLinkage (ExactBD n p) =
let d = binomial (fromIntegral n) (fromRational p)
in productionProbFuncs d
type ProdDistrib ExactBinomialDistr = BinomialDistribution
toProd (ExactBD n p) = binomial (fromIntegral n) (fromRational p)

instance ProductionLinkage ExactDiscreteUniformDistr where
productionLinkage (ExactDU lower upper) =
let d = discreteUniformAB (fromIntegral lower) (fromIntegral upper)
in productionProbFuncs d
type ProdDistrib ExactDiscreteUniformDistr = DiscreteUniform
toProd (ExactDU lower upper) = discreteUniformAB (fromIntegral lower) (fromIntegral upper)

instance ProductionLinkage ExactGeometricDistr where
productionLinkage (ExactGeom p) =
let d = geometric $ fromRational p
in productionProbFuncs d
type ProdDistrib ExactGeometricDistr = GeometricDistribution
toProd (ExactGeom p) = geometric $ fromRational p

instance ProductionLinkage ExactHypergeomDistr where
productionLinkage (ExactHG nK nN n) =
let d = hypergeometric (fromIntegral nK) (fromIntegral nN) (fromIntegral n)
in productionProbFuncs d
type ProdDistrib ExactHypergeomDistr = HypergeometricDistribution
toProd (ExactHG nK nN n) =
hypergeometric (fromIntegral nK) (fromIntegral nN) (fromIntegral n)

-- Tests

-- Compare that probabilities agree. If they are denormalized just
-- return True. You can't say much about precision
probabilityAgree :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool
probabilityAgree tol pe pa
| pa < 0 = False
| pe < 0 = False
| pe < m_tiny = True
| otherwise = relativeError pe pa < tol

-- Check production probability mass function accuracy.
-- Inputs: tolerance (max relative error) and test case
pmfMatch :: (Show a, ProductionLinkage a) => Double -> TestCase a -> Bool
pmfMatch tol (TestCase dExact k) =
let dProd = productionLinkage dExact
pe = fromRational $ exactProb dExact k
pa = prodProb dProd k'
k' = fromIntegral k
in relativeError pe pa < tol
pmfMatch :: (Show a, ProductionLinkage a) => Double -> TestCase a -> Property
pmfMatch tol (TestCase dExact k)
= counterexample ("Exact = " ++ show pe)
$ counterexample ("Approx = " ++ show pa)
$ probabilityAgree tol pe pa
pe = fromRational $ exactProb dExact k
pa = probability (toProd dExact) (fromIntegral k)

-- Check production cumulative probability function accuracy.
-- Inputs: tolerance (max relative error) and test case.
cdfMatch :: (Show a, ProductionLinkage a) => Double -> TestCase a -> Bool
cdfMatch tol (TestCase dExact k) =
let dProd = productionLinkage dExact
pe = fromRational $ exactCumulative dExact k
pa = prodCumulative dProd k'
k' = fromIntegral k
in relativeError pe pa < tol
cdfMatch tol (TestCase dExact k)
= probabilityAgree tol pe pa
pe = fromRational $ exactCumulative dExact k
pa = cumulative (toProd dExact) (fromIntegral k)

-- Check production complement cumulative function accuracy.
-- Inputs: tolerance (max relative error) and test case.
complCdfMatch :: (Show a, ProductionLinkage a) => Double -> TestCase a -> Bool
complCdfMatch tol (TestCase dExact k) =
let dProd = productionLinkage dExact
pe = fromRational $ 1 - exactCumulative dExact k
pa = prodComplCumulative dProd k'
k' = fromIntegral k
in relativeError pe pa < tol
complCdfMatch tol (TestCase dExact k)
= probabilityAgree tol pe pa
pe = fromRational $ 1 - exactCumulative dExact k
pa = complCumulative (toProd dExact) (fromIntegral k)

-- Phantom type to encode an exact distribution.
data Tag a = Tag

distTests :: (Show a, ProductionLinkage a, Arbitrary (TestCase a)) =>
distTests :: forall a. (Show a, ProductionLinkage a, Arbitrary (TestCase a)) =>
Tag a -> String -> Double -> TestTree
distTests (Tag :: Tag a) name tol =
testGroup ("Exact tests for " ++ name) [
testProperty "PMF match" $ ((pmfMatch tol) :: TestCase a -> Bool)
, testProperty "CDF match" $ ((cdfMatch tol) :: TestCase a -> Bool)
, testProperty "1 - CDF match" $ ((complCdfMatch tol) :: TestCase a -> Bool)
testGroup ("Exact tests for " ++ name)
[ testProperty "PMF match" $ pmfMatch @a tol
, testProperty "CDF match" $ cdfMatch @a tol
, testProperty "1 - CDF match" $ complCdfMatch @a tol

-- Test driver -------------------------------------------------

exactDistributionTests :: TestTree
exactDistributionTests = testGroup "Test distributions against exact"
distTests (Tag :: Tag ExactBinomialDistr) "Binomial" 1.0e-12
, distTests (Tag :: Tag ExactDiscreteUniformDistr) "DiscreteUniform" 1.0e-12
, distTests (Tag :: Tag ExactGeometricDistr) "Geometric" 1.0e-13
, distTests (Tag :: Tag ExactHypergeomDistr) "Hypergeometric" 1.0e-12
[ distTests (Tag @ExactBinomialDistr) "Binomial" 1.0e-12
, distTests (Tag @ExactDiscreteUniformDistr) "DiscreteUniform" 1.0e-12
, distTests (Tag @ExactGeometricDistr) "Geometric" 1.0e-13
, distTests (Tag @ExactHypergeomDistr) "Hypergeometric" 1.0e-12

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