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Simplify fromDistinct{Asc,Desc}List for Set, Map
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Uses only the Stack, making FromDistinctMonoState unnecessary.
This implementation also allows for quick access to the last element,
which may be used in fromAscListWith, mapKeysWith, etc.
  • Loading branch information
meooow25 committed Aug 24, 2024
1 parent 549d22b commit e82e287
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Showing 3 changed files with 86 additions and 108 deletions.
72 changes: 31 additions & 41 deletions containers/src/Data/Map/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -358,13 +358,12 @@ module Data.Map.Internal (
, link
, link2
, glue
, fromDistinctAscList_linkTop
, fromDistinctAscList_linkAll
, fromDistinctDescList_linkTop
, fromDistinctDescList_linkAll
, ascLinkTop
, ascLinkAll
, descLinkTop
, descLinkAll
, MaybeS(..)
, Identity(..)
, FromDistinctMonoState(..)
, Stack(..)
, foldl'Stack

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3832,28 +3831,25 @@ fromDescListWithKey f xs
-- > valid (fromDistinctAscList [(3,"b"), (5,"a")]) == True
-- > valid (fromDistinctAscList [(3,"b"), (5,"a"), (5,"b")]) == False

-- For some reason, when 'singleton' is used in fromDistinctAscList or in
-- create, it is not inlined, so we inline it manually.

-- See Note [fromDistinctAscList implementation] in Data.Set.Internal.
fromDistinctAscList :: [(k,a)] -> Map k a
fromDistinctAscList = fromDistinctAscList_linkAll . Foldable.foldl' next (State0 Nada)
fromDistinctAscList = ascLinkAll . Foldable.foldl' next Nada
next :: FromDistinctMonoState k a -> (k,a) -> FromDistinctMonoState k a
next (State0 stk) (!kx, x) = fromDistinctAscList_linkTop (Bin 1 kx x Tip Tip) stk
next (State1 l stk) (kx, x) = State0 (Push kx x l stk)
next :: Stack k a -> (k, a) -> Stack k a
next (Push kx x Tip stk) (!ky, y) = ascLinkTop stk 1 (singleton kx x) ky y
next stk (!kx, x) = Push kx x Tip stk
{-# INLINE fromDistinctAscList #-} -- INLINE for fusion

fromDistinctAscList_linkTop :: Map k a -> Stack k a -> FromDistinctMonoState k a
fromDistinctAscList_linkTop r@(Bin rsz _ _ _ _) (Push kx x l@(Bin lsz _ _ _ _) stk)
| rsz == lsz = fromDistinctAscList_linkTop (bin kx x l r) stk
fromDistinctAscList_linkTop l stk = State1 l stk
{-# INLINABLE fromDistinctAscList_linkTop #-}
ascLinkTop :: Stack k a -> Int -> Map k a -> k -> a -> Stack k a
ascLinkTop (Push kx x l@(Bin lsz _ _ _ _) stk) !rsz r ky y
| lsz == rsz = ascLinkTop stk sz (Bin sz kx x l r) ky y
sz = lsz + rsz + 1
ascLinkTop stk !_ l kx x = Push kx x l stk

fromDistinctAscList_linkAll :: FromDistinctMonoState k a -> Map k a
fromDistinctAscList_linkAll (State0 stk) = foldl'Stack (\r kx x l -> link kx x l r) Tip stk
fromDistinctAscList_linkAll (State1 r0 stk) = foldl'Stack (\r kx x l -> link kx x l r) r0 stk
{-# INLINABLE fromDistinctAscList_linkAll #-}
ascLinkAll :: Stack k a -> Map k a
ascLinkAll stk = foldl'Stack (\r kx x l -> link kx x l r) Tip stk
{-# INLINABLE ascLinkAll #-}

-- | \(O(n)\). Build a map from a descending list of distinct elements in linear time.
-- /The precondition is not checked./
Expand All @@ -3864,32 +3860,26 @@ fromDistinctAscList_linkAll (State1 r0 stk) = foldl'Stack (\r kx x l -> link kx
-- @since 0.5.8

-- For some reason, when 'singleton' is used in fromDistinctDescList or in
-- create, it is not inlined, so we inline it manually.

-- See Note [fromDistinctAscList implementation] in Data.Set.Internal.
fromDistinctDescList :: [(k,a)] -> Map k a
fromDistinctDescList = fromDistinctDescList_linkAll . Foldable.foldl' next (State0 Nada)
fromDistinctDescList = descLinkAll . Foldable.foldl' next Nada
next :: FromDistinctMonoState k a -> (k,a) -> FromDistinctMonoState k a
next (State0 stk) (!kx, x) = fromDistinctDescList_linkTop (Bin 1 kx x Tip Tip) stk
next (State1 r stk) (kx, x) = State0 (Push kx x r stk)
next :: Stack k a -> (k, a) -> Stack k a
next (Push ky y Tip stk) (!kx, x) = descLinkTop kx x 1 (singleton ky y) stk
next stk (ky, y) = Push ky y Tip stk
{-# INLINE fromDistinctDescList #-} -- INLINE for fusion

fromDistinctDescList_linkTop :: Map k a -> Stack k a -> FromDistinctMonoState k a
fromDistinctDescList_linkTop l@(Bin lsz _ _ _ _) (Push kx x r@(Bin rsz _ _ _ _) stk)
| lsz == rsz = fromDistinctDescList_linkTop (bin kx x l r) stk
fromDistinctDescList_linkTop r stk = State1 r stk
{-# INLINABLE fromDistinctDescList_linkTop #-}

fromDistinctDescList_linkAll :: FromDistinctMonoState k a -> Map k a
fromDistinctDescList_linkAll (State0 stk) = foldl'Stack (\l kx x r -> link kx x l r) Tip stk
fromDistinctDescList_linkAll (State1 l0 stk) = foldl'Stack (\l kx x r -> link kx x l r) l0 stk
{-# INLINABLE fromDistinctDescList_linkAll #-}
descLinkTop :: k -> a -> Int -> Map k a -> Stack k a -> Stack k a
descLinkTop kx x !lsz l (Push ky y r@(Bin rsz _ _ _ _) stk)
| lsz == rsz = descLinkTop kx x sz (Bin sz ky y l r) stk
sz = lsz + rsz + 1
descLinkTop ky y !_ r stk = Push ky y r stk
{-# INLINABLE descLinkTop #-}

data FromDistinctMonoState k a
= State0 !(Stack k a)
| State1 !(Map k a) !(Stack k a)
descLinkAll :: Stack k a -> Map k a
descLinkAll stk = foldl'Stack (\l kx x r -> link kx x l r) Tip stk
{-# INLINABLE descLinkAll #-}

data Stack k a = Push !k a !(Map k a) !(Stack k a) | Nada

Expand Down
31 changes: 12 additions & 19 deletions containers/src/Data/Map/Strict/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -331,11 +331,10 @@ import Data.Map.Internal
, filterAMissing
, merge
, mergeA
, fromDistinctAscList_linkTop
, fromDistinctAscList_linkAll
, fromDistinctDescList_linkTop
, fromDistinctDescList_linkAll
, FromDistinctMonoState (..)
, ascLinkTop
, ascLinkAll
, descLinkTop
, descLinkAll
, Stack (..)
, (!)
, (!?)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1733,16 +1732,13 @@ fromDescListWithKey f xs0 = fromDistinctDescList xs1
-- > valid (fromDistinctAscList [(3,"b"), (5,"a")]) == True
-- > valid (fromDistinctAscList [(3,"b"), (5,"a"), (5,"b")]) == False

-- For some reason, when 'singleton' is used in fromDistinctAscList or in
-- create, it is not inlined, so we inline it manually.

-- See Note [fromDistinctAscList implementation] in Data.Set.Internal.
fromDistinctAscList :: [(k,a)] -> Map k a
fromDistinctAscList = fromDistinctAscList_linkAll . Foldable.foldl' next (State0 Nada)
fromDistinctAscList = ascLinkAll . Foldable.foldl' next Nada
next :: FromDistinctMonoState k a -> (k,a) -> FromDistinctMonoState k a
next (State0 stk) (!kx, !x) = fromDistinctAscList_linkTop (Bin 1 kx x Tip Tip) stk
next (State1 l stk) (!kx, !x) = State0 (Push kx x l stk)
next :: Stack k a -> (k, a) -> Stack k a
next (Push kx x Tip stk) (!ky, !y) = ascLinkTop stk 1 (singleton kx x) ky y
next stk (!kx, !x) = Push kx x Tip stk
{-# INLINE fromDistinctAscList #-} -- INLINE for fusion

-- | \(O(n)\). Build a map from a descending list of distinct elements in linear time.
Expand All @@ -1752,14 +1748,11 @@ fromDistinctAscList = fromDistinctAscList_linkAll . Foldable.foldl' next (State0
-- > valid (fromDistinctDescList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == True
-- > valid (fromDistinctDescList [(5,"a"), (3,"b"), (3,"a")]) == False

-- For some reason, when 'singleton' is used in fromDistinctDescList or in
-- create, it is not inlined, so we inline it manually.

-- See Note [fromDistinctAscList implementation] in Data.Set.Internal.
fromDistinctDescList :: [(k,a)] -> Map k a
fromDistinctDescList = fromDistinctDescList_linkAll . Foldable.foldl' next (State0 Nada)
fromDistinctDescList = descLinkAll . Foldable.foldl' next Nada
next :: FromDistinctMonoState k a -> (k,a) -> FromDistinctMonoState k a
next (State0 stk) (!kx, !x) = fromDistinctDescList_linkTop (Bin 1 kx x Tip Tip) stk
next (State1 r stk) (!kx, !x) = State0 (Push kx x r stk)
next :: Stack k a -> (k, a) -> Stack k a
next (Push ky y Tip stk) (!kx, !x) = descLinkTop kx x 1 (singleton ky y) stk
next stk (!ky, !y) = Push ky y Tip stk
{-# INLINE fromDistinctDescList #-} -- INLINE for fusion
91 changes: 43 additions & 48 deletions containers/src/Data/Set/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1207,60 +1207,50 @@ combineEq (x : xs) = combineEq' x xs
-- | \(O(n)\). Build a set from an ascending list of distinct elements in linear time.
-- /The precondition (input list is strictly ascending) is not checked./

-- For some reason, when 'singleton' is used in fromDistinctAscList or in
-- create, it is not inlined, so we inline it manually.

-- See Note [fromDistinctAscList implementation]
fromDistinctAscList :: [a] -> Set a
fromDistinctAscList = fromDistinctAscList_linkAll . Foldable.foldl' next (State0 Nada)
fromDistinctAscList = ascLinkAll . Foldable.foldl' next Nada
next :: FromDistinctMonoState a -> a -> FromDistinctMonoState a
next (State0 stk) !x = fromDistinctAscList_linkTop (Bin 1 x Tip Tip) stk
next (State1 l stk) x = State0 (Push x l stk)
next :: Stack a -> a -> Stack a
next (Push x Tip stk) !y = ascLinkTop stk 1 (singleton x) y
next stk !x = Push x Tip stk
{-# INLINE fromDistinctAscList #-} -- INLINE for fusion

fromDistinctAscList_linkTop :: Set a -> Stack a -> FromDistinctMonoState a
fromDistinctAscList_linkTop r@(Bin rsz _ _ _) (Push x l@(Bin lsz _ _ _) stk)
| rsz == lsz = fromDistinctAscList_linkTop (bin x l r) stk
fromDistinctAscList_linkTop l stk = State1 l stk
{-# INLINABLE fromDistinctAscList_linkTop #-}
ascLinkTop :: Stack a -> Int -> Set a -> a -> Stack a
ascLinkTop (Push x l@(Bin lsz _ _ _) stk) !rsz r y
| lsz == rsz = ascLinkTop stk sz (Bin sz x l r) y
sz = lsz + rsz + 1
ascLinkTop stk !_ r y = Push y r stk

fromDistinctAscList_linkAll :: FromDistinctMonoState a -> Set a
fromDistinctAscList_linkAll (State0 stk) = foldl'Stack (\r x l -> link x l r) Tip stk
fromDistinctAscList_linkAll (State1 r0 stk) = foldl'Stack (\r x l -> link x l r) r0 stk
{-# INLINABLE fromDistinctAscList_linkAll #-}
ascLinkAll :: Stack a -> Set a
ascLinkAll stk = foldl'Stack (\r x l -> link x l r) Tip stk
{-# INLINABLE ascLinkAll #-}

-- | \(O(n)\). Build a set from a descending list of distinct elements in linear time.
-- /The precondition (input list is strictly descending) is not checked./
-- @since 0.5.8

-- For some reason, when 'singleton' is used in fromDistinctDescList or in
-- create, it is not inlined, so we inline it manually.

-- See Note [fromDistinctAscList implementation]
fromDistinctDescList :: [a] -> Set a
fromDistinctDescList = fromDistinctDescList_linkAll . Foldable.foldl' next (State0 Nada)
fromDistinctDescList = descLinkAll . Foldable.foldl' next Nada
next :: FromDistinctMonoState a -> a -> FromDistinctMonoState a
next (State0 stk) !x = fromDistinctDescList_linkTop (Bin 1 x Tip Tip) stk
next (State1 r stk) x = State0 (Push x r stk)
next :: Stack a -> a -> Stack a
next (Push y Tip stk) !x = descLinkTop x 1 (singleton y) stk
next stk !y = Push y Tip stk
{-# INLINE fromDistinctDescList #-} -- INLINE for fusion

fromDistinctDescList_linkTop :: Set a -> Stack a -> FromDistinctMonoState a
fromDistinctDescList_linkTop l@(Bin lsz _ _ _) (Push x r@(Bin rsz _ _ _) stk)
| lsz == rsz = fromDistinctDescList_linkTop (bin x l r) stk
fromDistinctDescList_linkTop r stk = State1 r stk
{-# INLINABLE fromDistinctDescList_linkTop #-}

fromDistinctDescList_linkAll :: FromDistinctMonoState a -> Set a
fromDistinctDescList_linkAll (State0 stk) = foldl'Stack (\l x r -> link x l r) Tip stk
fromDistinctDescList_linkAll (State1 l0 stk) = foldl'Stack (\l x r -> link x l r) l0 stk
{-# INLINABLE fromDistinctDescList_linkAll #-}
descLinkTop :: a -> Int -> Set a -> Stack a -> Stack a
descLinkTop x !lsz l (Push y r@(Bin rsz _ _ _) stk)
| lsz == rsz = descLinkTop x sz (Bin sz y l r) stk
sz = lsz + rsz + 1
descLinkTop y !_ r stk = Push y r stk

data FromDistinctMonoState a
= State0 !(Stack a)
| State1 !(Set a) !(Stack a)
descLinkAll :: Stack a -> Set a
descLinkAll stk = foldl'Stack (\l x r -> link x l r) Tip stk
{-# INLINABLE descLinkAll #-}

data Stack a = Push !a !(Set a) !(Stack a) | Nada

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2121,24 +2111,29 @@ validsize t
-- fromDistinctAscList is implemented by building up perfectly balanced trees
-- while we consume elements from the list one by one. A stack of
-- (root, perfectly balanced left branch) pairs is maintained, in increasing
-- order of size from top to bottom.
-- When we get an element from the list, we attempt to link it as the right
-- branch with the top (root, perfect left branch) of the stack to create a new
-- perfect tree. We can only do this if the left branch has size 1. If we link
-- it, we get a perfect tree of size 3. We repeat this process, merging with the
-- top of the stack as long as the sizes match. When we can't link any more, the
-- perfect tree we built so far is a potential left branch. The next element
-- we find becomes the root, and we push this new (root, left branch) on the
-- stack.
-- order of size from top to bottom. The stack reflects the binary
-- representation of the total number of elements in it, with every level having
-- a power of 2 number of elements.
-- When we get an element from the list, we check the (root, left branch) at the
-- top of the stack.
-- If the tree there is not empty, we push the element with an empty left child
-- on the stack.
-- If the tree is empty, the root is packed into a singleton tree to act as a
-- right branch for trees higher up the stack. It is linked with left branches
-- in the stack, but only when they have equal size. This preserves the
-- perfectly balanced property. When there is a size mismatch, the tree is
-- too small to link. It is pushed on the stack as a left branch with the new
-- element as root, awaiting a right branch which will make it large enough to
-- be linked further.
-- When we are out of elements, we link the (root, left branch)s in the stack
-- top to bottom to get the final tree.
-- How long does this take? We do O(1) work per element excluding the links.
-- Over n elements, we build trees with at most n nodes total, and each link is
-- done in O(1) using `bin`. The final linking of the stack is done in O(log n)
-- using `link` (proof below). The total time is thus O(n).
-- done in O(1) using `Bin`. The final linking of the stack is done in O(log n)
-- using `link` (proof below). The total time is thus O(n).
-- Additionally, the implemention is written using foldl' over the input list,
-- which makes it participate as a good consumer in list fusion.
Expand Down

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