Hi! I'm Luke, an aspiring software developer.
Many of my projects hosted here are passion projects and are made out of a desire to see my ideas become a reality.
- Langauges: Java, JS, Python, C#, C++, PHP
- Databases: MongoDB, SQL
- Game Engines: Unity
- Hacknet: Flagged: An extension for Hacknet that adds a compelling new storyline to follow.
- First place winner for Hackerjam v2.
- Repository (Private)
- Hackerman: A multiplayer hacking simulator.
- Maegic: A WIP mod for Minecraft that introduces new magic-infused technology.
- IT201 Projects: A catalogue of my work and milestones for my IT201 course.
- IT202 Bank Project: The final project for my IT202 course.
- IS117 Series: A catalogue of my work for my IS117 course.