- Little modification of rhoCentralFoam with RK4 schme, also LTS exits.
- Ref: dbns-port, cfd-online, rhoCentralRK4Foam, using CFL to speed up:relax,TODO:add sponge layer
- Acknowledge:Du Lei
- 1 parameter: rhoCentralFoam,LTS,maxCo=0.2(not correct);rhoCentralFoamRK4,LTS,maxCo=0.2;
- 2 parameter: rhoCentralFoam,LTS,maxCo=0.01(correct);rhoCentralFoamRK4,LTS,maxCo=0.2;
which means rhoCentralFoamRK4 is more effecient in same setting!
etA should balance between "drift" and "wall" , etA==1 is suggested.
- Large Eddy Simulation
$(0.5-1)$ - Free Surface Flows
$(<1)$ - Compressible Flows (depends on speed of sound)
- Turbomachinery
$(<80)$ - Explicit Time Stepping
$(<1)$ .
Most often the maximum Courant number should be below 1.0.
- Suggestion: set CFL=0.3~0.5 at first, the enlarge it to CFL=0.5~1.7 , 1.8 is broken up
- use "bounded" or "unbounded" : most "bounded" is for steady flow, 为了使求解稳定