- Improvement: Angular is annotated (using the "ngAnnotate" Grunt task). So it's save to minify the dist files now.
- Improvement: An isSticky() method is given by hlStickyElement to the stack it's added to. This is used for calculating the stack offset properly.
- Destroying a hlStickyElementCollection with destroy() removes all the elements it contains so you don't have to do it mannually.
- The hlSticky directive has become a bit smaller in terms of code due to a few handy tricks.
API changes
- The hlSticky attribute "sticky-id" is no longer used because "hl-sticky" did exaclty the same thing. So if you want to set the ID for a sticky element just use "hl-sticky='some-id'"
- hlStickyStack.totalHeightAt() > hlStickyStack.heightAt()
- hlStickyStack.totalHeightCurrent() > hlStickyStack.heightCurrent()
- hlStickyElementCollection.destroy() no longer has the parameter "force" (read improvements)
- hlStickyStack.removeTop() didn't reset the z-index