A JS bookmarklet that determines which branches are ahead or behind the original branch.
javascript:(async () => {
const aTags = [...document.querySelectorAll('div.repo a:last-of-type')].slice(1);
for (const aTag of aTags) {
await fetch(aTag.href)
.then(x => x.text())
.then(html => aTag.outerHTML += `${html.match(/This branch is.*/).pop().replace('This branch is', '').replace(/([0-9]+ commits? ahead)/, '<font color="#0c0">$1</font>').replace(/([0-9]+ commits? behind)/, '<font color="red">$1</font>')}`)
After clicking "Insights" on top and then "Forks" on the left, the following bookmarklet prints the info directly onto the web page like this: